I think I do. That’s why I suggested therapy for your problem. People who are comfortable socializing know the difference between lfg for x dungeon and invite please and an actual conversation. They value the latter and recognize the formal as at best polite phrases, not actual socialization. If you lost friends when rdf was added and had difficulty making new friends because of it it’s clearly a you problem. Again your guild must not have been very strong and your friends not really friends. Learn to socialize and you’ll not only be able to find a better guild but you’ll make better friends. I’m trying to help here but there’s really nothing more I can say about your problem
its the same. This means youre in the wrong game.
I wouldn’t mind that…the lack of RDF is an issue outside of popular times when it is hard to find groups. Adding it after Phase 1 would be fine IMO.
That’s why we stay true to the original wrath.
Remove LFG
Neither until ICC, which brings RDF
I agree.
Ive always supported phase 1 rdf for normals, and phase 3 rdf heroics as a catchup. bonus points if they do that for cata too.
This is the winning recipe.
Erode: gradually destroy or be gradually destroyed.
You aren’t too good at this are you? There is no context in which destroying something that the majority of people view positively as a good thing.
You don’t feel comfortable socializing, you are an introvert who would be fine running dungeons with 4 other npcs. That’s not normal.
Yes, Erode does mean that. Nothing in that context means “mistake”.
Im on a mega server now, and have multiple guilds trying to recruit me for wotlk because of the friends i have made.
I started on smolderweb and only changed after it was offically dead, and up until that point, i still didnt have issues getting groups.
I’ve always thought people who play classic, want to play the game how it was. I was part of the no changes crowd for vanilla and TBC because I wanted to play the game in its original state. Now I want to play wrath how it was and RDF is apart of that. I don’t have any data and all I have is my perception but based off these forums alone gives the perception there are more who want it than those who don’t. Sure it could just be a vocal minority but it fundamentally doesn’t make sense, especially for potential future expansions. So what are hunters going to have to purchase arrows forever? Locks farming soul shards in their bags forever? No transmog in cata classic? How far does it go?
Except i dont have an issue socializing or getting groups without rdf.
If you cant seem to get groups without rdf thats a personal issue that may be tied to how you are socializing (or lack there of) with your community.
I mean no offense, but someone who sees game design that creates player interactions as transactional only and not productive to social interaction wouldn’t really know the difference. And that is supported by the way you talk to others.
It seems people will go far for anything it seems. If Blizzard is going to go by the original timeline, then they should add the RDF in the ICC Phase then instead. Could then easily put this topic to rest.
There is no context in which destroying something that the majority of people view positively as a good thing.
Mistake is defined as: an action or judgement that is miguided or wrong.
They made the RDF not knowing that it would erode the social fabric, because they were misguided.
If you can’t understand how that fits into the definition of mistake then that’s okay or how English works then don’t make objections on technicalities that you’re wrong about.
Ok, so what am I supposed to do when looking for a group around 3am here my time, or in the morning my time? Just log off then jump back on during the hours when I would be at work instead?
If you really want to know what is destroying Classic, it the boost. True reason why Blizzard decided not to release RDF is because then they wouldn’t be able to see any level boost, something which never existed until patch 5.4.8
Slippery slopes, listening to the addicts is never a good idea.
IIRC ilevels were as follows:
Normals: 187
Heroics: 200
Naxx: 200-213
Ulduar: 219-232
ToC: 232-245
ICC: 251-264+
Don’t think we need to wait for Phase 3 for heroics either…they’re just stepping stones to getting into raids.
Vanilla as it was included world buffs.
In original vanilla very few people stacked world buffs and brought them into raids. They were designed to provide you a little bonus for clearing the boss.
It was correct for blizzard to add the Chronoboon, because the modern meta that developed around it was causing problems given the context of today’s playerbase. In fact, they took too long and should have done it sooner.
Likewise with RDF. They didn’t know the implications it would have later down the line, just like flying mounts.
See you in Northrend!
Please actually work from home. You playing WoW while supposed to be working is screwing the rest of us with WFH jobs. You just really suck at being a team player. -bonus bucks