Not re-subbing until RDF Comes back

They should go back to Everquest tbh…WoW was always the ‘casual’ mmo.

You didn’t read my last sentence.

Because Blizzard is making changes they believe were mistakes that were in the original. Thats why RDF is not in the game right now because they are under the delusion that this is what the majority player base wants. LFR is WAY more hated and disliked than RDF for rightful reasons, so regardless if RDF comes in or not, they will make the choice they believe that the majority player base wants, which of course = more money.

+15 is already pugged the same as wrath heroic RDF would be

IO and the like don’t matter until 20+

I’m aware that wow is the easy version of EverQuest, because you can lose experience in that game and lose items when you die.

Bc/Wrath we’re a good happy medium between EverQuest and Mario up until RDF.

With the survey about wotlk and RDF out now, there might be hope for RDF. Also, how you liking that retail style abomination of a LFG system?

You keep saying retail is that way while praising retail system in wrath classic. You can’t be this dense

this is a dumb statement. Like i said previously sure all the QOL xrealm lfr rdf and wow token were in wows blood and ethos from the start.

But someone can absolutely like the game at certain points around that path and further is too far for them. thats just preference, and the whole point of classic.


“Retail garbage” =/= “everything in Wrath”.

Retail garbage is all the convenience > community BS that you guys try to sneak in under the QOL bucket.

It’s not even tied to Wrath “qol” in particular. Flying mounts are “retail garbage”. As is queueing BGs from battlemasters/honor menu. As are summoning stones.


Theres no servey, the only survey out is Cata, it has LFR no mention of RDF, you got rolled by some trolled hopium sorry to let you know.

WoW just isn’t the game for them. It’s always been casual. There are hardcore MMOs out there for these players to play.

Why do you believe that it is a delusion that it’s a mistake?

Blizzard has conducted exhaustive scientific polls on every expansion re-release, and they know what the players want.

Do you really think Bobby would allow himself to miss out on his gold-plated yacht because 15% of people want no RDF?

A company as large as them doesn’t do that. Retail is different because it is uncharted territory, while classic has been solved for years.

It is, in the announcement trailer the leads specific say it is.

Rdf isnt in the game for a reason.

Saying this is actual literal projection. its been made clear the game (classic wow) is very specifically *for them

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How’s WoW not for someone who prefers it in the state that it was originally in. Isn’t this backwards logic?

Thanks for the queue spot.

wont be missed.



There is no RDF specific survey. You fell for fake news :joy: it would’ve been plastered all over Reddit and Wowhead.

The survey that just went out was about Cataclysm.

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You’re right. Lets look at the login client on the bottom left of the screen, oh wait, patch 3.4.0. What patch was Dungeon Finder added? Patch 3.3.0

Sounds like a you problem. If rdf meant less socializing and less friends for you all I can say is you must not have been in a strong guild or you didn’t really have good friends. I think you probably need to learn how to socialize. It’s more than just spamming lfg for x dungeon, or typing inv please, or saying thanks for the run at the end of a dungeon. Therapy might help. It’s not shameful to admit you have a problem and seeking a mental health professional anymore.

RDF is in the ethos for classic. Like you said. But someone can absolutely like the game even with RDF, that’s their preference, and they don’t need to use RDF to enjoy themselves.

Maybe for you, i am actively part of my realms community. Its part of why i have no issues getting groups.


no there arent, this is more projection. FFXIV is a great queu lobby game, why do you want to turn WOTLK into worse-final-fantasy?

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