Not re-subbing until RDF Comes back

Just because they had the technical work already done for them doesn’t mean that’s why they implemented it. I’m sure at the time with the player base shifting to a more casual raiding scene, LFR sounded like a good idea because it made raiding way more accessible to their now more casual player base. (More money)

Being able to ship a product doesn’t directly make them more money unless it’s successful you know. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

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I doubt it. You probably worked behind the grill at MacDonalds and you heard they were making robots for fast food burger joints.

to be fair im at work (i wfh) logged into game grinding jc/engi kits for my 2 new wotlk mains AND responding on the forums, so this isnt quiiiite true

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It really isn’t, it removed a part of the reason people made friends. The need to group for dungeons. And next expansion they removee the need for friends for raiding with lfr. It was the start of convenience over community because it removed one of the major reasons people would interact with the community of their realm.


not as an absolute no. bet you’re loving your job right now lol

Businesses don’t make a decision off one factor alone, they consider several factors.

RDF lead to LFR for the following reasons:

1.) The code was already written
2.) Players had already grown accustomed to the QoL and lack of social activity that RDF fostered. It was the precedent that allowed for them to even consider this as an option

The only reason you could point to outside of the RDF is that they were spending too much money to develop raids proportional to the number of people seeing the content.

However, if you take away the other two factors LFR would NEVER have been possible.

You will eat your words when Blizzard adds Torghast into Wrath Classic. And don’t think they wont either. They are one Magic-8 ball shake away from doing it.


Ah no, being a call center supervisor is not even a flex it only paid the state mandated minimum salary.

However, my first job before the call center was actually working as a line cook at a Google campus, so that’s pretty funny.

If I was going to flex I would pick something way more impressive then that.

While you praise retails LFG.

Can’t make this up

The lie was that RDF was “retail garbage”. That’s like saying Death Knights are “retail” garbage.

Community already doesn’t exist.

Accept invite I’m not even told what dungeon for




It’s literally already like that

Retails LFG exists because the idea of throwing in 5 random people from different realms who you will never see again isn’t conducive to running any content other than rolling your face on the keyboard to aoe wrath heroic dungeons.

It’s almost like it requires some sense of responsibility and consequences if you fail to perform in mythic +

I just want to make sure I understand you.

So you don’t want RDF in current wotlk classic, for the sole reason you are scared that they will implement LFR BECAUSE OF this, in a potential cata classic.

The gaming company in question has already been known to make changes they think would fit their player base. Just because they add RDF to wrath classic does not, in any way shape or form, confirm the arrival of LFR in Cata classic. Not when they are supposedly “trying to do things right” this time around with the classic series.

Retails LFG is the system we have in wrath classic.

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It’s called the foot in the door technique. It would serve you well to do a quick Google search so that you understand the implications.

The RDF objectively paved the ground for LFR. How is it wrong to not want the ground paved for the worst system the game has ever seen implemented

Nah let the classic Andy’s who hate RDF stay in vanilla

Some call it foot in the door. Others call it the slippery slope fallacy. Tomato tomahto. Just saying.

Yeah that’s what I just said.

They made the LFG tool because if you tried to run Mythic + with 5 random people across different servers you couldn’t clear it because people would not try and would be extremely toxic

To be fair WOW’s ethos was accesability and QOL over other mmos. RDF LFR and the Wow Token were in its blood from the cradle in 2004. It wanted to be world of farmville.

Why would we do that when blizzard said there will be no RDF. Retail is that-a-way bucko.