Not playing classic

That makes sense.

I just hope after Classic releases, they return the forums back to requiring a subscription to post. Those who want to stick with private servers can stick with them and those who want to support Classic can do so here.

Clearly your reading comprehension needs work.

I’m saying if they add that, I won’t play. That is an if then statement.

I never expressed any concern over whether that would actually happen or not.

In all fairness I would just say I and not we. When you say we you bundle yourself in with the countless other players from pservers who don’t know their ask from their elbow.

Not the ones who come on saying sharding,lfd,lfr isnt vanilla cause no ish we don’t need to play a pserver to know that. Im talking about the ones who’ve come in and said spawn rates, proc rates, summonings,pet mechanics, drop rates and pretty much everything else is wrong with Classic because they refuse to believe their pserver is the one that os actually all wrong.

I was simply changing the wording of their statement.

Even then, I’d say most of the people arguing against changes aren’t saying private servers got everything right, but rather that they don’t want Blizzard to get things wrong.

I’ve not seen any of that. The closest I’ve come to seeing anything like that is people arguing over various mechanics like the warlock pet summoning, or debuff limit.

Some guy earlier told me that BGs gave experience in vanilla, but there was no indication he or any of the others came from private servers. If anything, it just sounds like people remembering incorrectly due to it being so long ago and having grown too familiar with things implemented or changed later on.

In fairness how invested are you, if you are already currently paying a sub for not-classic wow? People who are not subbed have a choice to pay $15 a month to play classic. You on the other hand are paying nothing more than you already do. You’ve no tail to tuck. No skin in the game that wasn’t already being given for another product.

Listen mate, im going to play the crap out of classic( if they do have an australian server)

no, you dont need an active sub. post posted, point proven

I’m saying if they add that, I won’t play.

I doubt you have the conviction. 100%.

You’ll pay, play, crying all the way®

But I hope you do have the conviction to stick to your word.

Blizzard removed the Mage class?


I don’t really care if you believe me or not.

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I can’t imagine wasting 7 days of my life leveling on a private server once classic comes out

I can’t imagine wasting 4 days of mine leveling on a server that isn’t vanilla.

Nothing is truly “vanilla”. All amalgamations made out of an image of the past. Private servers will always be seen and feel non legitimate compared to the real thing. I have spent hundreds of days playing on pservers and I can say without a doubt that I look forward to the game being under the control of an actual team.

Speed leveling aside. I thought the average player spends 10 in game days getting to 60.

average, 4 days played is faster than the world record I believe. 4 days 20 hours (lmao)