Not playing classic

Do you think any of the people on here that say they will NOT play classic based on X change will actually not play? or do you think they are just saying they wont play but that they will actually play?

It’s just BFA players needing an outlet at losing their portals.


Everyone will play regardless their pushback on the frankenpatch.

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Pff, no. They’ll play.


Who knows and more importantly who cares in this case it’s literally just a few randoms.

I won’t play if sharding is added. It’s one of the worst changes to retail, and it will ruin the Classic experience without a doubt.

If it’s added “temporarily,” I won’t play until it’s removed. If it’s only added in certain zones, I’ll probably just never go to those zones (or get out of them ASAP).

If there’s any actual game feature changes (guild banks, transmog, LFG/LFR), I’ll definitely not be playing.

BFA players wouldn’t care about changes. If anything, BfA players are the types asking for changes.


You should go read the outrage at Flight removal, timegating and the portal removal. General Discussion is a NoChanges monster when you touch a QoL convienece.


Most of the outrage is coming from “returning” players who are threatening to “not return” if they don’t get X version of the game.


If they play, cool. If not, cool.
Their time to spend their way.
Play the game because you enjoy it.

It’ll be like that time people wanted to boycott Modern Warfare 2:


I think its a whole lot of BS if you ask me… years… we’ve been waiting years for this and you’re just going to NOT play? you’re just going to crawl back to some pooptier private server? Absolutely not… When you dont get your way you dont take your toys and go home, you get over it.

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Not a chance. They’ll rage about how they’re going back to Private Servers, or they’re not going to sub if AV1.5 doesn’t happen, or if Sharding does… then pony up their $15 and dive right in on Day One.


They think they won’t, but they will.


Click bait ‘oops I tricked ya’ style title from Shimy.

He doesn’t even care. He’s just bored :stuck_out_tongue:


I meant they wouldn’t care about changes to Classic. If anything, what you said sort of proves my point. They’d be horribly upset at any removal of convenience, and Classic is basically the version of WoW without any convenience.

No, I’ll be playing… just not on a server with sharding. I haven’t been waiting years for a vanilla server with sharding.


What if they add sharding to the starting zones? How will you play on a server without sharding?

I dont see what all the hub bub is about Warlocks sharding in classic

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I already answered that question.

The same way we’ve been doing it for over a decade.


If they know people in the majority do not want sharding, and they are only going to use sharding MAYBE at launch in order to nullify a potentially terrible situation where no one gets to play… why would they implement sharding in other zones post launch?

Because people worry about every little thing. Unless they’re specifically told they’ll believe anything is possible, no matter how unlikely it may be.