Not playing classic

It’s a personal fantasy, and nothing more. You see, they also weren’t in vanilla, but this is really a topic for another thread. I’m sure you know where to find it.

This would be an extreme deviation from Classic’s mission statement and an indicator that the experience we’re looking for won’t be recreated at all. It would violently repel both the private server community and veterans of the game seeking a return to the old ways. Both groups constitute the core player base for Classic, and the only ones who are likely to stay. They’d be left with tourists. Yes, this would cause Classic to flop. I’m sure of it.

So you never had to wait for a named NPC to respawn?

But they existed in 1.12, which is what Classic is based off of, so…

There’s a lot of reasons to enjoy Classic beyond a lack of sharding.

Even as someone who staunchly opposes any and all changes, I don’t think sharding would cause Classic to flop.

Who would play a sharded Classic for any meaningful length of time? Are you imagining people will just shrug their shoulders and play anyway?

Yes. Just not Lieutenant Benedict. Usually people were waiting for others to join them so they could kill him. Fizzle was another you rarely had to wait for, because so many people didn’t complete Dark Storms. You regularly had to wait for the guy at the end of the Burning Blade Cave in the Valley of Trials, for example.

We started this part of the thread with “What NPC killed people enough to make them quit”

A lot of people, I’d wager.

Considering there are numerous posts from people saying exactly that… yes.

Unlike you, I’m actually capable of imagining people having a different point of view. I wouldn’t play with sharding, but there are others who would.

Uh huh.

And did sharding exist in vanilla? No. Yet you still didn’t have to wait for those NPCs, apparently. So why is sharding necessary, exactly?

No, the person who originally made that point was expecting that people who play Classic will be surprised to find they die when they pull a bunch of low level mobs, and will either like it or quit. They didn’t list any mob in particular that was so difficult it made people quit.

What point of view are you imagining, exactly? You’re going to have to help me out. I just can’t conjure large numbers of individuals who want retail with vastly less and inferior content in my mind’s eye. All I can see when I close my eyes are people asking for a game with systems so different that it made for a wholly different experience, top to bottom.

Devil’s in the details, my friend.

Round and round again we go, where it stops… well Blizzard knows.

As I’ve said time and time again in the threads where you and others keep challenging sharding, Classic will not have the same ramp up that Vanilla did. The number of people attempting to play on the first day, or first weekend, will be exponentially higher than Vanilla had on day one. They only sold 250,000 copies of the base game, and 100,000 of the CE. They had to rush more copies out to stores because it was so popular. That means at most the first day only had 350,000 people. Not the 2 million of the current playerbase, OR the expected 3-5 million when you include all the resubs coming back to try out the old game.

It simply isn’t going to be the same, and Sharding makes it more authentic by splitting up the tourists into more ‘authentic’ chunks. Like I repeat over and over, I want to see 200-500 player shards, splitting around the 400 mark, so that we have plenty of people but not ridiculous amounts. Otherwise, if we keep the server caps fixed, we’ll have multiple tens of thousands of people in the queue for every server.

The point of view clearly expressed by numerous people on these forums and even this thread.

I don’t really have to imagine it, to be honest.

It’s not retail with vastly less content. Sharding is not the only difference between retail and Classic. Stop trolling.

So what?

2 million current players of RETAIL, not of Classic. What makes you assume all of those players would play Classic?

Also, 2 million according to whom? I didn’t think Blizzard released those numbers anymore.

How the hell does adding a feature to Classic that wasn’t in vanilla make it more authentic? That’s the complete opposite of authenticity.

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Because its FREE (within the realm of the sub they’re already paying).

Because it more accurately replicates the population we saw on launch day, than higher populations would, and long queues would. And once those tourists leave, turn it off never to be turned on again.

Rather than quibble over minutiae, permit me to cut to the heard of this thing: Classic will survive in the long term on the merit of its systems, not its content. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?

I partly disagree, because the content in Vanilla was one of its strong points, and there was far more than 2 years worth of content to explore. It depends on whether you want Classic to last more than 2 or 3 years without resets or Classic+/TBC. PVPers rely far more on systems, because its instant random with the other players, but the PVE side of it relies heavily on content for replayablity. If the long term is greater than 3 years, the content may start to become stale at that point causing a drop in non-PVP experiences for regular players.

It’s posturing. Probably in hopes to keep some resemblance of a population on their PServer of choice.

However, the FRESH hype and the authentic Blizzard server hype will cause too much of a vacuum for pservers to stay active.

Maybe some time down the road pserver might gain enough hype to see some small player activity. But these issues being used as ultimatums currently are not big enough to keep people on pservers.

Your view of private server players and owners truly is twisted, condescending thing. As if we haven’t been desperate for Blizzard to step in and give us a stable, proper home.

The bigger question is why do you care?

I think some of you have, I think some have never had any intention of playing a Blizzard server unless it was free. Even then I’m not sure all did because they like their private server version better than the reality of what it was.

I’ve always felt that some of the complaints were nothing more than cover so they could go back to private servers and not pay for it.

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Of course these people exist. I’ve known a few. They are odious vermin. Myself and my guild are eager to have a wall of payment between us and them.

Those sorts have nothing to do with WoW, Classic, or Vanilla. They spring up whenever something is free; human weeds in the garden.

I could ask you to trust my experiences on private servers, but benefit of the doubt isn’t something freely given around here, is it?

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So what? That doesn’t meant they want to play Classic. There are a lot of free things that I’m not interested in.

But it doesn’t accurately replicate the game, which is what people want.

Long queues were definitely part of Classic.

Or, better yet, don’t turn it on in the first place, piss off all the tourists who want to be catered to and don’t like being inconvenienced by… /shudder… respawn times! Then they’ll quit sooner and the real Classic players can enjoy it properly.

That would depend on what you classify as a system and what you classify as content.

In any case, there are systems, plural. Classic isn’t dependent on the merit of a single system, especially one like sharding.

Nope. We want Classic to be as close to vanilla as possible. We say we won’t play if X feature is implemented because we want Classic, not Classic-lite.

It has nothing to do with wanting a private server to remain populated, and has everything to do with wanting Blizzard to provide what we eagerly awaited from them for over a decade now.

No, private servers will always have a market because they don’t have a subscription cost, and there are always going to be people who want custom content or instant 60 or whatever.

They might not be as popular as they were prior to Classic’s launch, though, that’s true. Most people play on private servers to play on a particular patch no longer hosted by Blizzard, so if Blizzard is hosting 1.12, it stands to reason 1.12 servers would lose a lot of players, but not all.

Agreed. A lot of us don’t want private servers to be the only option for playing vanilla. We just want Blizzard to actually be hosting vanilla, not some altered version of it.

Again, I can only speak for myself, but I’d gladly pay to play on a real vanilla server hosted by Blizzard.

I’d pay a LOT more than $15/mo if it were actually the real deal and not a modern recreation, too.

Agreed again. Free to play MMOs are really awful.


This is true, of course. I consider a static game world as the most important system for the purpose of re-creating the experience of vanilla.

People will be playing on Private servers once Classic launches without doubt. 300 people.


Not true.

My view of the type of person that throws ultimatums at Blizzard is all I have illustrated.

Which is not twisted or condescending. It’s right on the mark.