I was in an Alterac Valley where I joined approximately 1-2 minutes after the match started. When I entered, I was not part of the raid group apparently.
I could not see any teammates on any map.
I could not use Leap of Faith on anyone.
The NPCs turned gray after attacked as if they had been tagged by a separate group.
I could not see instance/raid chat.
I was listed on the roster.
I could see emotes, /y and /s chat.
My team won the match and I did receive conquest points.
I used /reload multiple times and it did not fix the problem.
Has this happened to anyone else? I’m happy that I received my conquest and honor for winning, but was nervous until the end as the boss was grayed out when the rest of the raid tagged him first.
Yeah this has been happening since Legion (see thread below), reported about 6 months ago, only a re-log will fix this, similar to cannon issues in IoC.