Feedback: Epic Battlegrounds

08/03/2018 08:57 PMPosted by Gdtroll

There's a bug I'd like to report, it happened to me just now actually.

What happens is as follows: my Alterac Valley battleground will be ready and pop up, I enter the battle. Then I notice it's a match already in progress... yet the little "dots" that indicate friendly players on the radar map do not show up at all. I also see NO "friendly player dots" on the larger full-screen map.

Even stranger: I cannot see or type into instance chat AT ALL. In one of these bugged AV games, communicating with other players is almost impossible other than using manually-initiated whispers. And of course, not being able to see instance chat prevents you from knowing where the enemy team is at, who needs help, what the plan is, etc. When I attempt to type something into the group chat /i channel I get some sort of error message saying I'm "not in a raid group" or something like that.

I ended up just leaving the battleground and just "taking" my Deserter penalty, you just can't play AV "blind" like that. I have noticed this bug here and there even before patch 8.0, but it seems to be a rather infrequent glitch.

The common theme of the bug is it only seems to happen when a new player is "loaded into" an Alterac Valley game that is already in-progress.

Just a really weird experience, I haven't had this happen in any other battlegrounds.

Sucks that I have 30 minutes of time down the drain/wasted *waiting* on this AV game to pop up... only for it to be bugged out once I get in, forcing me to leave.

Logging out to character screen and logging back in always fixes this for me. /reload won't fix it. This bug has been around since Legion, got it more frequently in IoC, but occasionally get it on alliance when joining late.