Not Getting Vault Credit for Heroic Dungeons

Add me to the list too - had all 3 heroic rewards done on my hunter, did lfr and it undid all three [no, not on this toon]

Happened again on my 'lock, all three heroic rewards were there when i opened the vault then quickly disappeared leaving only the lfr reward done

i had looked in my great vault after my first heroic and it was showing a 441 reward then did LFR and now its showing nothing

I just checked mine and both the LFR credit and the heroic dungeons credits are showing for me.

Looks like it’s fixed, at least for me anyway.

I see it showing credit now but it does show me 8 heroics but I am not sure I did that many. We’ll see Tuesday I guess.

Same here.
It’s all messed up again.

Same has happened to me, but you are on a level 50 character. Great vault is only available at level 70. If you were on a different character than the one you posted this on, sorry for my mistake :slight_smile:

I only have one license and the character I did LFR on first got no credit. The character I did heroic dungeon on first got credit.

This is a complete mess.
No way to tell if we getting credit or not.
If we are; we have no tracking in-game to tell us how many we’ve done.

Hope this get’s fixed on tuesday reset or hotfixed sooner. Yea, I know it’s Sunday, but I’d still like to see how many I’ve done. That way I’d know if I got them all for BEFORE vault day.

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Alrighty back to showing no credit for any dungeons. This is hilarious.

Vault is back to showing no credit after getting notification for 1 and 4 dungeons completed

So Tuesday had the whole dungeon row unlocked.
Did the first two wings of LFR this week and unlocked the Defeat 2 and Defeat 4 Amdrissal bosses of the first row. Did my first random heroic, it unlocked Complete 1 Heroic and Complete 4 Heroics off one run. Not sure if this means if I left it for the rest of the week I would have two unlocks in the dungeon row off doing only one dungeon or it’s still displaying all wrong.