Not Getting Vault Credit for Heroic Dungeons

I’m not getting vault credit for the heroic dungeons I did.


Same, tries queuing random, and then for specific dungeons. Algathar, Neltharus, Nokhud. No credit. Ilvl 439.

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I did get credit on my other license.
I have 1 bnet and 2 licenses.

wow1 No credit for heroic dungeons. LFR counted and got credit.
wow3 credit for the two I did.

Not sure whats going on. Seems broke for just the one license

edit: I should note that I did LFR first on wow1 then the dungeons.

Just did dungeons on wow3 no LFR.

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I did LFR and after dungeons, and not getting credit for gundeons either. Did random and specific, neither counted.

Did you do the LFR first?

So same as me?

Seems like LFR first then dungeons results in no credit for the dungeons.

I’ll try LFR today on the wow3 license(has dungeon credits) and see if I get vault credit for it.

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Same here, did LFR yesterday evening, got instant Vault slot. Did Rnd Heroic with LFG this morning, still no vault slot updated.


Yep… Must be a good 5-10 heroic dungeons now I’ve done after season started. Absolutely nothing showing up in the Vault.

Edit: I too did the lfr raid before dungeons. I’ll try a heroic on a toon that hasn’t done raid yet and get back to ya.
Edit #2: And we are back. I got a random heroic dungeon to show up on the Vault on a toon that has NOT done the lfr raid yet. So there it is.

SURELY this has to be a bug, right?? lol


No credit here as well

Mark me down as another person who did LFR first and then decided to do a Heroic dungeon but no credit on the Vault for the Heroic.

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Did you do LFR first then the dungeons?

If so then I think we might have a pattern there.

I saw this thread and decided to try and help add data to the bug. I did a heroic dungeon on my warrior alt last night, and got credit in the vault with the fancy popup doodad and everything. Did two more heroic dungeons, and my second slot in the vault shows credit for all three.

Did NOT do LFR on that character yet.

Later tonight I’ll try doing LFR on them and then doing another heroic dungeon to see if I get credit for the fourth, or if it’s locked at the three I did pre-LFR.

Thankfully this sounds like an easy bug for Blizz to verify and reproduce, so let’s hope it’s just as easy to fix.

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Im very mad i did all the mythic plus dungeons and got it filled out then ran lfr and all the mythic plus dungeons i did are gone now

Oh no, that sucks! Man, this bug is brutal and keeps getting worse and worse. Did you submit an in game bug report too?

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No I haven’t. I will now though seems as though I’m not the only one.

add me into this.

i did LFR yesterday, did a heroic today and no credit for heroic in vault.

ok, submitted an in-game ticket also.

Seen as Blizzard hasn’t DONE anything about what would seemingly be a MAJOR bug, I am gonna guess that it’s a UI bug rather than you not getting credit. As in, you ARE getting credit, it’s just not showing it.

So it’s everyones UI needs reset?


Seems to be affecting a lot of people for it not to be a bug.

Why would it effect only toons that have done LFR first then the dungeons ?

I also did LFR and then ran a heroic 5 man - no credit for the H 5man. I’d like to know what’s happening and be able to get 3 slots filled this week.

Im not even trying on this toon.

On my druid I’m working on the 8 heroics(5/8 right now) .
Then I’ll try the LFR after tomorrows maintenance.