Not getting credit for selling over 5,000 gold in AH

Blizzard QA have unionized. There will never be sufficient testing ever again.

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It worked this morning grabbing about 305g from the mailbox from 2 sales. Still waiting for the most recent auction sales to show up in the mailbox, so will check it again.

I tried disabling TSM yesterday, just in case its mail feature was somehow interfering with Blizzard’s default mail API, but it didn’t make any difference.

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Still not getting credit from AH sales. Only got credit for 300g on some AH sales that has been sitting in my mailbox on my AH sales/bank toon lvl2. I tried putting in low profit on 3 different level toons and hi profit nothing registered on the quest achieve. Come on Blizz lets get this fixed please!

I think it’s not counting AH sales that were done on the region-wide commodity AH. If you sell, say, a transmog or a pet, you would be selling it on your own server, and so far only those sales have counted for me.

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All I have been selling are herbs and ore and still not getting credit for the sales

I got credit tonight, though I didn’t need it anymore. Had the popup occur.

Sold an engineering item and a transmog cosmetic chest piece. Had sold more than 5k prior to them, so shrug.

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I still am not getting credit for it using 4 different toons lvl 2-70 selling all different types of things. I even completed the trading post and cant even get the dam Ash’adar mount, guess thats bugged too. Blizz hates me!

Blue post…will be fixed soon guys!! YAY!


Ya checks in the mail…oh wait…thats bugged too! :crazy_face:

Still happening on AH sales.

Not that it really matters, i capped out on TP within the first day. But yeah the AH one is bugged. I probably have made around a quarter of a million in sells in the past week and that one still shows zero credit towards completion.

May I ask what you’re selling so I can stop being broke since I’m just returning to WoW. xD

Dragonflight herbs and ore

*Sorry error made in farming location

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In…Dragonflight?..people still want the SL stuff?.. @_@

Completionists. even in BFA you were paying a pretty copper to run out even wrath crafting with AH mats.

So then I should look up old crafting mats and farm them…how interesting…

Some won’t go chip away at cobalt for hours.

Hell I cba to do it in classic on platers wiht mining. I jsut waited on a nice deal for titansteel weapons tbh. Only thing I needed from smithing.

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Thanks for the tip. You’re a sweetheart. :heart: I’ll be taking skinning and mining then for money making. xD

The funny thing about this trading post achievement, I got it buy putting up and canceling a work order :slight_smile: I was trying to get a belt recrafted, found a LW who thought they could do it. So I put everything up, set the min quality and put up 10k as a tip. They found out they couldn’t craft it due to the embelishment, so when I cancelled it I got credit when I collected the returned amount. It was added to a couple of thousand I made selling some flasks.

I have partial credit. I know I 've sold more than 5,000 but currently have 3881 credit.

That could explain it. That would be most of my sales since the launch.

I would have gotten it from dragon races by now. I even tried buying bargain mats and vendoring them. I bought like 50,000 cooking mats that were 6-7s and vendored them for 6.25s.

Aaaaannnd…there’s the answer. Guess I can stop wondering about it now.