Not Enough Players to even do WSG/AB

true dude, imagine thinking you’re actually some mechanically minded 5head pro in a game where people just randomly resist and miss spells and dodge and parry and one race can passively resist 1/4 of the most powerful CC in the game lmao


Pvp in SoD and classic is supposed to be for fun, but it’s not fun when the favor is tipped to one faction


also its slow paced unless you’re using every consumable in existence.

TTK is pretty fast if you don’t have solid heals on your team…or rather, it was before the DR nerf. ele and boomie still blast pretty hard though

mages definitely got it the worst in the DR, gotta dump their whole mana bar to tickle somebody

fastest TTK I’ve ever seen though was queueing into Frost DK/Dev Evoker when that class was brand new and didn’t know what to expect. holyyyyyyyyyyy moly dude, we all got blasted down faster than standing out in the open on a Hardcore CoD map

yea low TTK and high healing is the best meta though and thats what we had.

course a holy pal and rsham probably has a diff perspective than all the AoE button healers who are probably struggling.

rdru was solid though but the longer the fight the weaker they are.

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yeah if I had like 3 DORF godmode heals on the team, it felt like I could actually play the game outside a 12 sec window every 5 mins.

when you have mostly hpals it’s rough as a melee in SoD. there are some solid hpal healers but they just ain’t got it as good as the others.

Rdruid stonks went way up in p3 too that’s for sure :chart_with_upwards_trend:

what?? people quit because phase 4 was put on a indefinite delay…

Everyone that pvp’s got rank 10 the first week of phase 3, 2 weeks later everyone got it for free.

There is no world content to do, No reason to log in if you’re already bis on your mains + alts.

But some how 20man raids killed the game when you can put them together just as quick as you could a 10man?? Okay boomer.

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fun was the reason. it’s not fun without players though.

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I hit r7 the first week of p3 and still queued for BGs.

as you can imagine it was rough as alliance, but the victories were such a good dopamine hit.

I think for me the beginning of the end was Aggrend saying they were going to be looking at buffing divine storm playstyle, and to expect something for people who enjoyed slower weapons on Tuesday.

that Tuesday gave us SEAL TWISTING LOL!!! nothing to do with divine storm. that same Tuesday they gave the burn rune 200 spell power and made it spread to 5 targets instead of 3. one of my friends had leveled a sham on a second account and bought a few emerald warden sets and had been trying both enhance and ele, and he was actually mad about the burn rune. he was like “dude wtf??? that’s more spell power than Atiesh on an already good rune”

he quit before I did, we were both alliance mains but he leveled one in like 2 weeks right before that rune got buffed. he originally wanted to main horde, but I wanted to play paladin. he did a few BGs that week and quit. he said it felt like playing GTA with cheats on, it was fun at first but it gets boring really fast

dont hold your breath, some will for a few weeks and if its as bad as it was it will only be a few weeks, the mis handling of SOD has put a lot of people off even bothering coming back.

It less to do with premades and more to do with balance. And not balance as in everyone is equal 1v1. Balance as in, every spec has a role to play and something meaningful to bring. This makes group pvp actually fun and repeatable even after you’ve earned all the rewards. The devs need to stop balancing around damage numbers as much (obviously they do still matter to a degree), and start developing a clearly defined vision for what they want each spec to contribute and be. Examples being which specs are good against which, which specs are bad against which, which specs are focused more around cc and need either range/mobility, which specs are focused on burst damage and need to be squishier, which specs are based around sustained damage and need survivability, which specs are highly mobile and good at objectives, which specs do more or less healing and how is that offset by the amount of utility they have, etc

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They literally just have to fix mana issues and SoC with DS will be playable. Unlike JoM, JoCom scales with spellpower and you can double the damage 2 times (3 with grenade).

even if they fix the mana cost of DS and SoC max ranks, DS should still not be weaker than HotR

Even if HotR is stronger, you still get auto+soc proc + crusader strike in 1 gcd when you connect. All 3 hit harder with 2h equipped, because they depend on raw weap damage stat. That playstyle fits perfectly for pvp when you don’t have much uptime. It is just going oom using your whole toolkit that ruins everything. Cleanse/BoF/BoSac and 2-3 rotation cycles and you are done.

you know JoM isn’t normalized and scales with wep damage too though right? I don’t want it to be leagues better than divine storm but right now, even for pvp, it is. pre DR I was critting 900-1k judgements every 8 sec. I mostly use lamellar set so I don’t OOM using my healing/utility, I give up about 4% roughly crit to have an extra 1k mana and spell power on every piece of gear, and even with the spell power buffing JoCom, it only hits comparably close to JoM when targets are stunned, and even then it’s less than JoM by a small margin

Yep, but JoM hits harder with 2h equipped, so no HotR. And lamellar set is locked behind honor grind, there is no emerald version for some reason. I will have to grind it on my NA toon to test things out. It is nice to have 3k mana though.

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so what race/class are my fellow hordies thinking of making on their alliance alts.

I am think warlock but I am not sure if they have a high representation or not.

yeah I still run parasomnia. the proc is nice, and the weapon damage makes JoM slap.

opener with that is macro exorcism to startattack, hold exo til you’re right on top of someone, and wombo combo them with exorcism/auto attack/seal of martyrdom in one global and then press JoM during the GCD, if any of those crit, exo again in the next GCD, if not, crusader strike and reseal

Probs a paladin, I enjoy the class fantasy, and if you have some idea what you’re doing, they’re strong AF. (Arguably OP)

That said, I’m currently enjoying an AB on my horde character… so we’re not there yet.

I was in a group for AB last night, 1 hour 40 minutes not a queue procced. sadness the end is near

My queues are about 10-15 minutes right now as solo

They were bad this morning… but the weekend has hit.