Not being able to rank in AV has made me realize how bad classic PVP is

i miss av so much. i could mindlessly 6 min games all day and night and hit my cap in 3 days. i was so spoiled. now wsg has made me quit pvp. the horde are so organized with this, like they were ready for actual pvp. i was not. i became complacent in my easy ranking. every wsg i go into i get barraged with gold buying, no shoe wearing, mud hut dwelling zuggers blowing every consumable in the game, including ones i never knew about.

this is not fun. i quit. this is not real pvp.


Try switching your character to a PvP spec


You are literally complaining about people being better at pvp than you…



You don’t actually enjoy PvP…

You enjoy the mindless 6 min ranker ride on the Drek Express. You enjoy seeing that title above your character’s head…not engaging in battle.

Realize this.


You’re right because you’re not trying to adjust. You want easy mode. Cya. Take a few more with you please. Thanks for checking classic out.


you are seething with jealousy. i earned my rank, you don’t even have one. the state of WSG is a joke and not what vanilla was like…

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if you talk about premade pvp alteric valley then you are a exploiter and you are lucky you are not ban. groups that can do pvp and raids with same players and beat other normal players is not fair and it needs fix. i know a lot of other players who already stop playing because of broken premade exploiters. please fix blizzard


Thanks for the laugh, guy.


NGL, I would love to not have to blow 10-20g minimum in consumables every time we run up against another real team.

Problem is, if we don’t, they will. WSG is now a pay-to-win consumables Arms race, and I hate it. Back in the day, someone popping FAPS in a BG was the exception not the rule, and they were usually made fun of for being a sweaty try-hard blowing gold in a casual non-ranked battleground.

These days 10/10 of my premade are engineers, we pop sappers any time there’s more than 2 Alliance in range, we blow FAPs every mid fight, and our healers are basically LIP addicts at this point. Blue Pearls have gone from 15s a pop to 1.5g due to how busted Flash Bombs are vs druid FCs .

With how competitive good premade spots are on my server’s ranker Discord, some people have begun popping flasks as a means of advertising themselves as willing to go above and beyond.


thank you for proving my point that instead of buying shoes, you buy gold

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Not enjoying the ranking system doesn’t mean the PvP is bad.

People just need to get over this “i should be able to get max rank just like everyone else”.

The ranking system was not EVER for the average player to get gear, and you all knew that coming in to Classic.

PvE will always be a better avenue to get gear (outside of the rep items) than PvP; this is not retail, you cant participate in a single activity and excel in Classic.

Thats working as intended.


OP your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.


After that whiny OP of yours, you’re accusing other people of “seething with jealousy”?


I thought Gnomes had increased base intellect?

How’d you manage to miss this?

You can’t really have an arms race against yourself. Alliance is just as guilty of perpetuating this meta as the Horde.


Obvious troll is obvious but people still take it seriously. 6/10, would lol again.


any other ranklets wanna post like their opinion on pvp matters?

oh no you mean you have to use SKILL in pvp how sad :frowning:


Need some more horde recallers in this thread.


i earned my rank


are you trying to say me, an alliance mage, putting in XXX amount of hours, doesn’t deserve it compared to say, horde streaming memer, rank 11, that shares account, but does?