Not being able to pug Mythic or Flex Mythic needs to go

Currently the game is not popular enough to maintain a 20 player roster on the most populated raiding server in the game. Flex raiding or cross server is required ASAP.

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you suck at recruiting. Has nothing to do with the game itself.

I agree that cross server raiding should always be a thing, but saying it’s not populated enough even on Illidan to maintain a 20 player roster is just…well…dumb. If you don’t like recruiting a revolving door of players, then don’t. Start putting your application in to the hundreds of mythic raiding guilds on Illidan alone. Not to mention all the rest that you could go to. People aren’t going to stick around and sit on their hands while you fail to recruit players, they are going to do exactly what I just mentioned, they are going to put their app in to one of the several other established guilds.

I definitely think x-realm, x-faction should be the first point they should be going. Introducing Flex to Mythic is a much riskier idea with a lot of variables to account for.

While I technically buy the idea of Mythic being a static raid size, and allowing them to tune or design based on a static set of available class mechanics/tools, I’m not really sure the reality has borne out. Given we have swings from one-shottable, to brick walls that end up getting neutered by as much as 30%+, to bosses where certain classes are straight up omitted, and bosses where more than a normal amount of a class are the key part of the strat, it actually might end up being realistically about the same. It’s not like there’s one consistent standard anyway, so if they screw up certain bosses, it may be no different to how they have to scramble to hotfix/revamp certain bosses right now. It may even be that if there are more raids going on into that space (by virtue of 15-player raid groups pulling Mythic bosses), they’ll have more data to use earlier to make hotfixes/adjustments sooner - I doubt that, but it’s theoretically plausible.

But a lot of that comes down to how well they test, and how well they fix. For all we know, the only actual change might be that instead of saying “X has been reduced by 10% on Heroic for smaller groups”, it’ll be “X has been reduced by 10% on Heroic and Mythic for smaller groups”.

After being there for 25H, hearing everything they announced and pitched when they made the Mythic change, and seeing what actually has come about since Mythic, I’m just not particularly sure Mythic has actually achieved what it was meant to do design-wise or tuning-wise to the point that it’d actually be significantly threatened by having to account for Flex. It could be that the upsides compete with or dwarf the downsides.

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100% this, but only after Hall of Fame closes (which it recently did). That way the top guilds get the authentic Mythic raid experience tightly balanced to 20 players, and then a while down the line once the Roster Boss starts destroying guilds, you make it flexible.

The raid has been out for 3 months and the top guilds aren’t even raiding at all other than boosting paid carries. At this point who the hell cares if the scaling isn’t perfectly balanced at 14, 16, 18, etc players? The content is stale anyways, just let people play it with however many friends they have and enjoy it

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I used to love to raid, but moved to 5 man M+ endgame, because it’s way easier to find 4 other chuckleheads to play with than 9+.

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I don’t think the devs should think about the race when designed so I would disagree but I also do not think they will every flex mythic.

Huh? This is just an artifact of needing to tune for several different types of groups.

  1. Echo and Liquid - sometimes they hit this and sometimes they don’t. It’s not uncommon to be a bit high on this because it’s impossible to make an accurate prediction as to what absolute peak performance is for any given boss.
  2. HOF guilds (really just Horde here) - Post RWF nerf guilds.
  3. Average CE (where my guild is) - Post HOF nerf guilds.
  4. Under-The-Wire-CE - Pity nerf guilds.

If I have to weigh this statement against what players on the other end of the spectrum are saying (ex. Liquid/Echo), I’m going to go with them instead.

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The point isn’t just with RWF in mind, it’s for everyone across the board to get to experience tightly balanced raid content while the raid is still fresh and attendance is no issue. Then after content is getting stale, fewer people care about it anyways, and roster issues always pop up for the non-RWF guilds, you open it up for flexible raid size

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It’s quite a bit more than that, given the actual changes that have been happening. This tier was volatile even just during the WF race alone, but there have have tiers just as bad if not worse. Some boss fights even get basically redesigned after hitting live.

I don’t know if you remember the first experiment they did with 10H and 25H - Twilight Dragons, massive changes to Halfus, Conclave vs Al’Akir, etc., but things weren’t significantly worse, at least in my memory. They were a bit more public what with many more “world first” 10H guilds getting absolutely stalled on Twilight Dragons than just a tiny selection of “world first Mythic raiders”, but that’s got some extra factors added to the mix, like multiple raid instances being available at the same time, the number of 10H guilds naturally being higher from the same pool of players, etc.

Not sure what you’re specifically referencing to since I haven’t really seen overwhelming praise on Blizzard’s design/tuning over the last 5 or so years beyond PR-like statements. Tomb got some lukewarm praise back in the day. But statements from those in the complete opposite side (e.g. Liquid/Echo, ex-Method, Pieces, ex-Limit/Complexity Limit, etc.) are potentially in the situation of most bias or restriction, especially considering the addition of sponsors/contracts into the mix. It’s not like their statements only affect themselves, they have to be curated to take into account the impact on other personnel, like related broadcast talent, etc.

It’s even debatable after accounting for any of that how relevant their views of the game are compared to just about everyone who raids, given how massively different the gameplay is, e.g. excessive split runs, transactions to buy trades/items, stealth nerfs/buffs in the middle of pulls, etc.,

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Harder to get 20 people to log on to go into mythic than it is to kill the bosses.

Flex raid or permanent raid finder imo. I’d prefer flex raids. Having to get 20 players when people are this unreliable is ridiculous.

You spend all day recruiting. They say they want to raid. Then they either don’t show up or they bail when they see someone isn’t at their ilvl. Nevermind that i’m inviting people a good 200-300 io below me but god forbid someone else in the raid is a few item levels below them.

I’m already 3k io. Theres literally nothing to do now other than unsubscribe and play another game.

If you’re at 3k score in Mythic+, the actual serious challenge lies ahead, and that’s to raise your score even higher, and perhaps even compete for the “X Hero” title awarded to the top % of people.

nah thats for people who get to raid and equip 285 gear off artificially gated bosses that require 20 warm bodies to log on

If completeing a 25 key rewarded 285 gear id give a crap

If you’re not good enough to want to try, that’s your business, but don’t make excuses about it. At least there’s plenty of people who can’t for whatever reason, but that’s not your story, and acting like there isn’t something to play for when that’s the ultimate competitive aspect of the mode, with a title reward on the line, is silly.

BTW. there are more people competing for the Mythic+ Hero title than there are people who have access to 285 gear. Hell, the Alliance still only has 20 guilds that are 9/11 in the US region.

Take a random character that is currently pretty much guaranteed to make the cutoff:

Not a single 285 piece. That character hasn’t even killed a single Mythic raid boss.

The dynamics will change with Cryptic Hero being across the entire region when cross-faction groups become available in 9.2.5, but that part of it won’t.

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If they didnt want to auto allow groupfinder for mythic, i think another solution would be to completely remove the groupfinder and force people to be social again.

So these idiots who sign up for guilds and then dont show up for the first raid get absolutely nowhere without being at least halfway responsible to gear their toon.

IDK how you fix todays raiders but they are lazy, instant gratification babies

A few solutions…

1.) Cross server should be open IMMEDIATELY. There’s no reason to wait for HOF to close because any of the HOF guilds are all on the same server anyway. Most HOF guilds are spread across 4-5 servers anyhow.
2.) Let mythic difficulty “flex” to certain breakpoints. Maybe this can be locked behind HOF. Force mythic to require 20 players until HOF closes then allow a flex between 15-25 players? A lot of people leave WoW 6-8 weeks into a patch anyway and this is about the time HOF is closing most tiers… so allows you to “absorb” the normal amount of people who leave the game and still continue to raid.


On my realm it’s incredibly hard too get people too raid mythic. My guild has been trying for over a month now to get people.
We finally got enough too doo mythic, Monday got 1 boss.

Oh annnd alliance soo it’s even worse.

Mythic mayaswell be opened up at this point (if anything just open it for the alliance). The alliance is so far behind at this point mayaswell atleast open it up for them.


I have been saying this for months.

I had to spend $100 server transferring and faction changing just for mythic progression, and i was on Sire Denathrius and woulda got CE with one extra night. But the trouble was i was either locked out or had to wait around for several dead weeks coz of issues getting guilds or simply being too far ahead for X or Y. I was only one of 6 people in the entire of frostmane with AOTC Denathrius, i was ready to go for mythic kills, but the server was totally dead. I had to transfer silvermoon, but by then i lost a couple of weeks so had to catch up , eventually hit a progression wall and had to faction change for Stone legion generals.

And due to personal reasons i had to cut out mythic SoD entirely. But i wanted to go back to it in Sepulcher, however once again have the trouble of having to write entire essays and spend hours trawling WoWprogress or message discord JUST TO PLAY THE GAME I AM SUBSCRIBING TO.

It is a ridiculous system, there must be a better solution , set up a in game scaler that works in a similar fashion to group finder, but more accurate like wow progress , a hybrid, so you can go to the groups and bosses you wish, and make it cross realm from the very start, because blizz never closes dead servers down and people are stuck in dead end guilds coz they can not just hop straight to the next mythic boss or w/e.

They have turned their playerbase into instant gratification babies with the way they constantly timegate things and nerf bosses into oblivion.

Endgame content is designed for a select few who get to have the fun discovering the bosses. The rest of us get to spend the majority of our time recruiting babies who dont even attempt the bosses and stop showing up because you don’t have exactly 20 players.

AOTC and 3kio. Can’t find people who want to spend time in the raids on the most populated raiding server in the game. This could easily be fixed by always allowing pugging or allowing Flex Raiding for Mythic as they do for Heroic.

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really? so nobody is raiding mythic on illidan? i find that very hard to believe