Not being able to pug Mythic or Flex Mythic needs to go

I am also in a friday guild on my DH lead by an 9/11m player and the consensus in that guild is the same.

It is harder to put a team together for these first 2 boss fights than it is to go run them.

There is a serious problem in the restrictions to go play the endgame content in this game.


Gathering people is difficult, just like finding 10 people for vigilant guardian on normal is hard, and that gives worse loot than mythic +15.

All i am saying is that the current restrictions prevent NEW GUILDS from forming and progressing.

The current structure allows for new guilds to scrap together teams able to kill joke bosses and established guilds to recruit from them. It’s not a system I wish to partake in.


There’s always a point where people are having issues finding people. Some guilds can’t even field ten I’m pretty sure.

Might be time to just play some Elden ring until cross realm opens up

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whatever minimum number for group activities, unless if it’s literally solo, recruitment problems will always exist somewhere.

Flex is amazing and should be brought in mythic IMO.



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Dear diary…


I find it incredibly hard to take this seriously. The number of adjustments that need to be made to Heroic every raid due to either large or small group sizes alone makes this claim suspicious at best.

Defending the antiquated lockout and on-server of Mythic is a strange hill to die on. Lockouts should work identically to heroic, and Mythic should be x-realm from Day 1. HoF was a mistake (obviously) and gating x-realm behind Alliance getting around to filling it was an even bigger one.

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I just think the pros out weigh the cons.

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After thinking about Mythic Pantheon, Livhium, Halondrus, or Anduin with 30 people I’m going to go ahead and say you haven’t considered the cons at all.

really dont care about the cons. i want to be able to attempt end game raid content

theres absolutely no reason cross server pugging can’t be available all the time other than that it would result in less server transfer income.

option b is to allow for mythic raids to scale.

whatever lets me play the endgame content given how unreliable and flippant todays raiders are.


guilds are recruiting, join one.

You progress on the boss with the number of raiders that makes it as easy as possible and then after you have it on farm and down the boss consistently you’d be able to bring more people in.

You’re also assuming it wouldn’t be designed around .

you can’t attempt the boss unless you have 20 players. i mean you can but why would you.

i have had over 5-6 people leave the guild because they sense we would no longer have 20 online for the next tuesday.

im tired of playing the recruiting game with a revolving door of people coming and leaving after helping them gear up.

we should be able to pug far sooner or have mythic raids scale to the number of players we have.


You can even try to solo the boss. You probably won’t get very far though.

Sounds like they lack confidence with leadership, and have no enfranchisement other than leaving.

I think we just disagree on what constitutes a “con”. To me, this is a very bad thing and would cause me to immediately stop playing.

To each their own I suppose.

That is the one downside of flex-raiding as a player, raids would try to be smaller rather than larger.

I can’t think of a single encounter yet in SL that was better with 30 than 15 in Heroic.

If Mythic went to flex raiding as currently implemented I don’t think any Mythic guilds would run greater than 10 players during progress.

Why would you? If you could run 10 and get the same gear/reward/experience as running with 20, you’d be mad to run with 20.

Each person you add to a raid is another person that can fail.

Heroic raids are balanced around having dead bodies from pull, where 1 of the 15-30 in group could simply AFK and die and not impact the ability to succeed. Flex would bring that to Mythic.