Not banning streamers for exploiting

I’m sure they are happy to have a white knight defend them.


I’m sure they are sad to have an angry kid sperg out over them

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Poor because money given to streamers?


Prove it wrong than.

You made the assertion, you need to prove it.

No, I just live in Argentina which is going through hard times economically. Thanks for asking.


Most definitely

Have they handed out any punishments for the dungeon exploits yet?

Nope learn to follow reply threads boyo

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It’s called “streamer privilege”, I guess.

I want in on all this stuff. I want free gold, items, protection from ganking, protection from bans and an excuse not to shower.

… I’m buying me a webcam.


That’s not how it works bud. You made a claim about no correlation between twitch popularity and game purchases. Share the data.

We all know Classic cannot survive based simply on being a decent game. The only way it survives is with the help of Streamers promoting it as the “cool kids” game. This is why none of the Streamers were banned or punished in any way. They are the only thing keeping it alive. If Streamers stopped Streaming Classic people would leave in droves. There is no point to the game other than trying to get your face and name featured on someone’s Stream.

Everyone wanted blizzard to release classic because the private servers were all corrupt, yet it’s no different here. Streamers abusing game breaking bugs, knowing full well that they will face no consequences for their actions because blizzard needs them for the free advertisement. This company no longer cares about the player experience or the integrity of their game. As long as they are raking in as much cash as possible. It’s sad but this is reality now a days.


Yeah the economy in vanilla is so off , its not really a classic experience but its close enough I guess ?

what streamer is exploiting? I think your trplling. A Blue post said that esfand reported the bug when they found it and did not exploit it. ???

That’s like saying
ThE OnLy tHiNg KeEpInG tHiS ReStAuReNt AlIvE Is Me BeCaUsE I cOmE eVeRyDaY

The restaurant being MCDonalds


I just wanted to relive the experience. I know good and well there are very shady things like what you said going on but I can still enjoy the game as much as possible.

In all honesty, it really has not affected me that I’ve noticed. Kind of like deforestation. I know all that stuff is going on, it’s a load of crap but I still sleep at night. :man_shrugging:

We know who some of the streamers are that abused it. It’s NOT Esfand, so shut up about that. You’re just muddying the water and making it less likely that the actual abusers will get banned. If we see that no action is taken against these streamers who we know abused this, then we’ll know that Blizz is just paying lip service to protecting the integrity of the game and all this is just to get us to calm down “move along, nothing to see here.”

If they don’t take action against the streamer abusers, I’m out. They have to be serious about this and sincere. They can’t pay only lip service and give a token effort. The streamers who did this are influencing the play of a lot of players. If they see it’s fine to exploit and nothing happened, they will exploit hard the next one that comes up. It’s a moral hazard.

We will see who wears the pants and if Blizz is in fear of neckbeards.

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Lol, no.

There are a lot more of us who want nothing to do with the cesspool that is Twitch, than who actually watch that crap. Maybe for the younger kids out there its something, but for the majority of us out here we dont give two sh!ts about Twitch, or any of the chodes who stream there.