Not another Raider IO thread

A website does not have the ability to do this in any capacity. It is ultimately up to the player themselves to decide who is invited and who isn’t.

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:popcorn: :eyes:


So then please explain why Raider IO is fine but blacklisting entire servers is not according to Blizzard? I thought that no one was owed anything.

You should be able to figure that out on your own. Well, if you weren’t a troll. Basing something on someone’s experience is in no way the same as basing it off what country they live in.

It is pretty much the exact opposite, in fact.

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are you implying IO is even comparable to IQ?

ironically, that’s…kind of a low IQ comparison…

Except that the tool could be used to blacklist any servers, not just LA ones.

I feel like the biggest problem with rio is so much dependence on the overall score instead of the experience in the specific dungeon you happen to be doing. That said, I feel it correlates with success far more than other instant/quick ways to evaluate a player you’ve never played with before.

I do think people exaggerate a bit. eg: I can’t do even a 5 because my rio is too low because 1 group out of dozens said they were checking rio. This makes it seem like the anti-rio crowd has a very weak argument since they are taking something that is a tiny exception and trying to claim it’s the common case.

I find m+ progression works ok up until maybe an 8 which is where people start using rio, but then you have a pretty big gap between what you’re capable of and what the expectations are.

I personally have to try to join dozens and dozens and dozens of groups before I get acceptance to a 10 at around 900 rio. Since in my view the key holder is taking basically all the risk, i’m fine with that, but it does get old after a while so I do sort of get some of the criticism as I do think there are some less than ideal characteristics in rio.

It’s not as problematic as some make it seem and I still think it’s the best tool we have.

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Achendron said:

So therefore it should be okay for there to be services that blacklist servers because they can’t control what the individual player does with them.

So replace country with server.

I want to hire people based on experience. That is the opposite of discrimination.

Yes but officially it was not a add on for banning people based on country. That’s just what most people did because of their prejudice.

You do not make any sense and do not bring any form of constructive opinions or comments to the discussion. There is no way IO could blacklist anything at all, it is just a database of dungeons ran by the player base, no part of it does anything that you think it does.

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Irrelevant, it is still meant to ban for arbitrary reasons. Experience is not arbitrary. Even someone such as yourself should be bright enough to see this.

Since you and Achendron have resorted to personal insults I’ve decided that this conversation isn’t constructive so it’ll end here. Good day.

But telling people they are being discriminatory isn’t a personal attack. Ok then.

I said the service as a whole was discriminatory against players with less experience. I never once called anyone discriminatory. And yes ok then.

Wait, are people seriously saying it’s not ok to filter players based on their experience?


Dungeons are by definition discriminatory unless the number of people you need and the number of people who want to join are exactly matched, and in the right roles.

Whether that discrimination happens based on ilvl, random picking, first come first serve, or the color of their in-game race doesn’t matter too much.

It’s discrimination!


That’s some serious tater logic there.


Ah yes, correlation. Correlation does not imply causation.