Not adding Dual Spec will kill the game

You must be one thicc troll as much as you get fed on these forums.


Blizzard let us actually enjoy TBC and add in dual spec

If you don’t enjoy TBC the way it is, why don’t you go back to your beloved retail and enjoy your any spec?
80%-90% of the player base that TBC was initially targeted at don’t want dual-spec added in an expansion it wasn’t designed for.

Don’t push your entitled instant gratification retail mentality onto players who actually want to play TBCC the way it was and is meant to be played! Google what an MMO is and what it used to mean to play an MMO.

Oh, and btw… nothing is preventing you from right now, at this moment, going to your class trainer and relearn your talents any way you want for a small fee.


Who said they love retail. Just because they are unhappy about this topic doesn’t mean they like retail.

Furthermore everyone in here suggesting to go back to retail, you are making assumptions without any evidence that these people complaining like retail.

Yes retail has free respecs. So what. It has 100 or more things that are also bad enough to put up with respec costs in tbc. Why would anyone interested ever go back to retail. If anything they would quit WoW all together.

Then let them quit.
That is better than let them destroy a masterpiece of art!


Well, we’re in a bit of an alt wave now. I see lots of people doing normal dungeons again.

But this brings up a bigger point. Just like Classic, the game will never be bigger than it was day 1. The further you are behind the curve, the harder it will be. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like trying to level a dps alt in phase 5.

There are going to be enough other alts that you can level with. Sure, you won’t find a guaranteed dungeon spam group like you did on day one within five minutes, but people will still do everything with their alts if not their mains.

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this is Probably right or somewhat close to accurate of the current %. but…
since classic the bcc release they have lost over 1/2 of the subed player base in first month. blizzard subs have dropped by more than half since the bcc release and mention of boost (i am not against boost but it was a change not needed) still dropping. HvH bg happened… more people quit. now you think DS will magically save wow. when they removed it cause it did not work the first time? mite as well add it kill the game more. changes are not working. but hey as long as the change everything to retail vibe crowd is happy right.
so the current 60-80% is about right cause the current players want everything changed to retail easy is ones still playing the classic game they don’t wanna actually play how it was made.

Go back to retail.

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You are right. I don’t want to play it how it was actually made. Because I did in actual tbc as a holy paladin main and was forever broke and unable to go out in the world and do anything solo. It wasn’t fun then, and it isn’t fun now. Tbc is still better than retail and I will never play retail again. I would take the respec cost over mythic+ any day. That doesn’t mean I don’t wish it away.

This is also why I play a mage now. I can afford to respec when ever I want now. Unlike my experience with a paladin in actual tbc.

No it doesn’t.

Any tbc purist who complains about this thread is a hypocrite.

The true tbc experience consists of people complaining about respec costs. They complained in actual tbc its no surprise they are complaining now.

When I played actual tbc I never once saw someone say how they loved paying for respecs and that it made the game good. If anything, tbc purists should be agreeing with the OP.

And pigs can fly…

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so… you say that the people that don’t want DS and does not agree with DS in TBC are hypocrites? the true purist are the one what don’t cry for DS because it wasn’t added TILL WotLK. same thing when WotLK classic release (if it does get relesed) people/players will say remove DS just like they did in the right time. not befor


If you are a purist, speaking of dual spec at all is breaking the sanctity of tbc that you hold so dear. If anything you should be staying silent. If it gets added than you can complain.

People did not want duel spec the first time. they added it then removed it because it did not work. but hey I hope they add everything you retail kids want… faster this Bcc retail beta test is over with cause it failed. the faster they do what they said a true classic experience. merge all these closing down servers and open fresh with no changes that will truly revive the game. and see what servers stay active longer. bring back the true 60-80% of the player base that quit because of changes.


Of course there will still be alts. There will always be alts. The problem is, will they be around looking for the same thing you’re looking for. My lvl 60 alt and somebody else’s lvl 67 alt are not running the same dungeons.

I remember how it was leveling late in Classic. It was rough unless you were playing five hours a day and could devote a significant amount of time to forming a group. No reason to think it won’t be like that this time.

That might also depend what server you were on. I never had any big issues finding groups here.

I’ll tell you why I won’t heal pugs.

They suck.

I’m even a resto shaman main.
I stay resto.
But I hate healing for random people because they make the experience awful, more often than not.

Dual spec isn’t going to change that.


No, they wouldn’t. Here’s the large poll that was popular on these forums before Classic launched:

It’s almost like reasonable QoL changes aren’t the same as the ludicrous examples you suggested. What a terrible argument you have.

I see no math and I think 60% don’t.
I got my numbers from chat the players that don’t post here.