Not able to buy crafting mats from the AH

tried buying Tenebrous ribs and Crawler meat and both are saying items not available even though theres 5k+ showing.


If you’re buying them individually, you may be selecting something that was bought out milliseconds before you by another player.

Try buying them in bulk, but be aware that the cost can fluctuate depending on what’s left from that pool.

I’ve tried buying the by 200s
seems all the SL meats are like that

It looks like there are some reported issues with some items on the Auction House. We have a report in to have it looked into.


it appears to be just the actual meats
they are up for like 9 silver and they wont let you buy them out
hacked AH ??

Thanx for the quick response so I didnt think it was me

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any word on when this will be fixed?

In the old Blizzard vernacular, Soon.

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anything being listed for that cheap
sorry to say thats a ‘baiting’ tactic used by AH players to get people who dont pay attention and just list something for whatever the current price is on the AH. It will only ever be 1 unit at that price and someone snipes it quickly for resale, but the sellers take a chance that someone will list a stack of a 80g item for 9 silver a piece and they will then snipe that listing.

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3 hours later and still no fix. Any further updates?

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Probably wont be any fixes till tommorow.

Some bugs have a higher priority then others and not everything can be fixed by a flick of a switch.

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Except these has been going for a month if not more.

My question was what were they actually doing because it doesn’t seem like they’re too busy right now.

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Also unable to buy meats from the AH :frowning: Hope it gets fixed soon.

There are bug fixes going through regularly. They are documented in their Hotfix blog. Just because specific issues haven’t been addressed yet doesn’t mean that Blizzard isn’t working on them. They don’t deserve this animosity.


They’re working on hundreds or thousands of bugs that do things like preventing people from logging in, preventing people from proceeding on quest lines, security issues, issues with server balance, etc., etc. I am sorry to say, but things more important than buying cheap meat from the AH.

You need to have a wider scope and realize that there are teams of people working on WoW bugs daily. The idea that Blizzard doesn’t care about bugs because the particular thorn in your side hasn’t been fixed is unfair and frankly, incorrect.

As my main man Spock always said 
 “Illogical.” :vulcan_salute:

What they are working on, until the moment your bug is solved, are things more important than your bug. Every day. Probably two shifts if not three. Each shift consisting of likely more than one “bug fixing” team. The game is as playable as it is (no rhetoric here; it’s quite fine for most people at any given time) literally because of the constant actions of the bug teams.

If Blizz developers and technicians really did what people say they do (like, sit around and play Yahtzee or something for the entirety of their shift and not care about bugs) WoW would literally crash in a relatively short amount of time, and that would be that. The very first login error that came about would tank the whole game and it would never come back up.

As Ruffle said, they deserve credit for their work. All of the “Blizzard doesn’t care about X issue” is just kind of lame. Of course they do. Otherwise, they literally would ignore the bots and the bugs and just let the whole thing turn into a dumpster fire, which it would in a very short amount of time.

Then people would truly see what an MMO is like when the developer ignores bugs and bots. Actually, most of them probably wouldn’t, because such a game wouldn’t manage to stay live for long at all.

Isn’t that logical? IMO it is. :vulcan_salute:


:clap: :clap: :clap: Well put. Thank you.


I’m glad I am not the only one dealing with it. I was trying to buy mats for cooking and It’s still an issue. 13 hours after this thread was created. I can’t even refresh the AH and it’s showing the same listings. It’s doing the same thing when I relaunch or /reload.

Generally the only time a bug is fixed in 13 hours is when it’s game-breaking or allows a massive exploit. Bugs are triaged. The more of an impact the bug has on the game the higher it’s priority. It doesn’t mean this bug won’t get looked at. It just means that it may take a bit to be addressed. Some of it depends on if the bug is reproducible and how easy it is to find the problem part of the code.


You would be better off posting in Bug Report.


I went here to see if this was an issue for other players and this was the first thread that popped.