Not A Single High Population SoD Server

Congratulations Blizzard, you’ve accomplished at what you do best. Kill your own games. Glad to see that Microsoft buying you out has absolutely changed nothing.


Cata classic got high pop bro.


for a month or two


You wanna know who else helped do this? The degenerates that sit in places like Ashenvale incursions and gank people that have no chance. No surprise that PVP servers are seeing massive declines in population. Lone Wolf and Crusader strike were both high and CS was locked for awhile due too many people.


lol no queue? Not a good look.

Yeah, they killed off the massive 2019 classic crowd pretty fast by just completely ignoring the game and they’ve just proceeded to do absolutely nothing since then. They go on a media rampage for 2 weeks before every release to con people back into playing then release low quality games full of bots and huge design oversights and then ignore it again until the next release.

They’re just playing it out until they’ve squeezed every last drop out instead of actually trying to make a good product that retains players long term.


its just cataclysm release with nothing to do in sod except raid log unless you’re not rank 7 in bgs yet. people just be raid loggin if they’re not leveling alts. i honestly think it’s incursions that has caused most of this. blizz trying to hard to fight rmt/botting.


The original Classic Vanilla crowd was never going to stick around very long after Era ended anyway. At the start of TBC, the player base/forums was a way different vibe.


how is someone going to come play WoW (a almost 20 year old version at that) and not know how PvP servers work. This has been the way of PvP servers for DECADES!!! In all honesty, I don’t feel like this has had much of an impact on the overall population of the game. If you go into a PvP server not expecting this, it’s 100% a you problem. Blizz has also given free transfers from PvP servers for people like you, that have no clue how things work on them.

What I feel has had a major impact on this version of the game is how incompetent the dev team is, and how bad it shows. I mean, it’s showing on classic Cata too, but dang. I used to say have a PTR for SoD would help with the bugs… but it didn’t help with Cata so I don’t even know anymore.


people know how they work they are just annoyed about it

Of course they weren’t going to stay around and play a game full of bots that was very obviously not being taken seriously by blizzard. In a world where blizzard actually attempted to keep the game good from the beginning instead of set and forget every phase I bet they would’ve retained a hell of a lot more of their playerbase, and even the ones who didn’t want to come back for tbc or wotlk would’ve come back to try som and sod, but those guys weren’t ever going to come back after seeing the lack of effort blizzard had put into classic.



I can’t think of an expansion where I didn’t raid log

Even in hardcore I raid logged lol

You do what content there is to offer, and then you raid log. Not a big deal. That’s simply how this game is.

Don’t care how fun the game is, I don’t want to do what I literally already just did all over again.


This is easily the biggest reason I reduced my time in SOD. The only thing logging in is loyalty to my raid group. Every important location is a gankfest, incursions and all. They said they were controlling the population on the servers but it was very clear from the beginning that there is a population imbalance leading to toxic PvP situations.

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Just wait to see if you can ever get to Molten Core on a pvp server :wink:


a huge reason pop is plummeting is the pvp adjustments. theyre screwing with the one thing you can do aside from farming gold and raid logging. better or worse its becoming very volatile and its always on weekends.


Those with a brain cell went to Project Epoch or some other decent Private server and stopped PAYING to beta test trash.


New players or Era or whatever wouldn’t continue playing SoD when they realize how low key grindy it is. What even is the point of making it grindy anymore? It’s completely pointless, there’s 100 zillion versions of WoW now.

The only thing that truly seems to not be grindy is the new Panda Timerunning coming out and obviously it’s “limited time only”, obviously, because good things aren’t allowed anymore in the modern era.


Easy fix for competent Developers…

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What is so freaking silly is that we are not even at 60 yet and its a Grind Camp fest… Imagine what they have planned for us at 60!

On one phase they said they want people to go out and make as many alts as possible, then on the next phase they go out and make it grindy AF which makes people not want to make ALTS!

And this is suppose to be a seasonal version… Make it make sense Paw!


First off Microsoft tends to be mostly hands off these days… and by the time that merger was approved the lead Dev had already killed SoD. The players just hadn’t caught on to the fact.

I didn’t think it took much paying attention to realize the lead should have been replaced part way into phase 1. Can’t blame the rest of the team as it’s up to the lead to lead. Too busy posting stupid crap on X and doing interviews. Where he would make misleading statements to try and draw players in… because what he advertised versus what you got weren’t the same.

You probably don’t want Microsoft to overly analyze WoW… they’d probably see the entire game and dev teams as a dying server if you catch my drift.