Not a fan of these game modes

The playerbase is divided, once again. I find these new temorary game modes to be adding to the problem.

On top of the fomo nature of these events they just feel terrible. I love my main in retail, It took me a long time to decide on a long term main for this game. Now you are pulling me in several different directions away from that character.

It’s a major turn off for me and is starting to come off as very desperate.

Why couldn’t plunderstorm be a new pvp game mode in retail we could play with our mains, forever? As new evergreen content? Why make it limited?

Why couldn’t MoPRemix be the start of a chromie time overhaul? You want me to spend 100s of hours on a character I wasn’t even interested in making in the first place?

The playerbase is already so divdied. And the game just keeps creeping towards a weird mess…The quality of the launches as well just seem like they are getting worse and worse.

Retail, Classic Era, Hardcore, Cata Classic, SoD… Now these events too?
I don’t see myself sticking around much longer. It seems Blizzard has completely lost their direction with WoW. It’s a shame.


A handful of people are divided on General Discussion, once again.


This really is just filler until the next expansion. At least that’s how I see it, and it’s coming off to be a successful way to approach that. The part that helps me with the character thing is that I’m the same way as you. I play only one character in wow at any given time. So I made a character that was slightly like this one with the sole intention of collecting things on her behalf basically. I’ll be able to add it to the war band later on which is nice.


Wah wah


It could very well be an experiment to change leveling up system. But you don’t even want to make a new character, so I’m not sure how making it an overhaul of Chromie time instead of an event is relevant. It sounds like you still wouldn’t do it. If you’re not interested you can just ignore it like many did Plunderstorm.


If only there was a solution… :thinking:

Nope… theres nothing I can think of, you are forced to play remix and suffer. :laughing:


Do you know what your option used to be during the 14 month end of expansion content drought? Quit the game. Yeah, that was it.

Now there are some people who say its better for the game for people to periodically quit WoW, to recharge their batteries for the next raid tier by being able to step away from the game, but I find that kind of nuts.

So yeah, in the past you simply quit playing WoW. Now, when they have no content to engage with it WoW, instead of unsubbing, you’re simply playing another game in the WoW client. I don’t see the problem here.

It should be noted that Shadowlands is literally the only expansion in the history of the game I kept an active sub through the whole life of the expansion, and I’ve played since launch. The end of the expansion has almost always been a complete and utter disaster. Only around Shadowlands and now in DF have they tried to mitigate sub-loss at the end of the expansion and these events certainly help out in that respect.


I think the secret objective here is a quick way to get new alts for TWW rather than grind more BFA/SL dragonflight

Probably as a means for us on the few alts spectrum to take advantage of Warbands

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Of course. It’s a pre-patch event. It’s just a combo of a pre-patch event and an end-of-expansion desperation retention event.

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People burn through so much content it’s mind boggling.

Meanwhile, I’ve stayed subbed but cannot keep with new content/updates because I log on and have no problem finding some new thing to do.

I like there are so many directions to go with the game. And I see it as mitigation for players who missed out on over half the game (started in 2017). I get to “sorta” relive old expansions with a #changeshappened mode. Classic has been fun, but not without feeling as though I miss out on its important moments by being so busy. Not the content per se, but the experience of it.

I’m not upset. More like I win the lottery if I can be available for a new event. That’s what sells. Brings everyone back in these smaller intense moments with fewer droughts.

If anything I have too much to do, too little time, but that’s okay. Lots of treadmills to choose from.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


stop taking all this seriously, it is just a game .


So chromie time can be available to max level characters so 90% of the game isn’t one shotting everything? that on top of adding cosmetic awards would be great. Think outside the box.

Chromie time could be a lot of things for people who enjoy past expansions.

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Of for the love of Elune do we have to lose our minds every time something happens for a limited time? Do we want a completely static game that never changes, or is “FOMO” just this year’s buzzword that everyone wants to use?

Having cool things come and go adds excitement and variety to the game. I get busy with work and RL stuff all the time and miss some of it. It’s not the end of the world.


Then don’t play???


It’s during what would normally be a content drought leading up to pre-patch. And I’m sorry to say, but most Classic era players are Classic only. That’s not a split in the community. Those people left the game a long while ago, until WoW Classic debuted.


Or they could just build onto the game and stop throwing away content developers spend a lot of time on. Why remove it?

You got a source for this? Most people I know play and enjoy both.


The GDC chart that showed the amount of players that went up with WoW Classic and SoD.


I think some want the game to be stuck in pre WoW lore ,where only playable characters are humans and orcs .


You do realize they have a team on TWW another on Midnight and a team doing filler content for the rest of DF ?

Oh let’s not forget Classic has it’s own teams for their content .

Since REmix involves older content it was probably done by members of the classic team and the filler content team for retail and since there is no new content for retail coming for DF ,I’d have to say no real resources were harmed in the creation of Remix

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At least it’s temporary and glorified alt leveling that will carry into TWW.

Classic and all it’s versions is the true divided trash that is blizz biggest mistake to create.

Hot take which will bring me of heat, but classic not only divides players buy it wastes resources that could go into retail

The only good thing about classic is that it helps fund retail.

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