Not a fan of Paladin S1 11.0 set but I don't feel like the artist should be replaced

Someone get this dragon guy some chili fries!
That’ll make em smile!

:hot_pepper: :fries:

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Saying someone should get fired over one set would be silly, but to be fair, the hunter sets truly have been awful since forever. If there has been one person primarily responsible for a long stretch of them, I would agree they should no longer be in that position. But I doubt that’s the case.

Fortunately I think the Arathor mail set coming up in TWW will be awesome for my gunner Marksman. (Minus the goofy helmet)

No, the set looks great!

Those wings are stupid.

Those are not really wings, they are just shoulder pieces that look like wings. Hope that helps :3

it doesn’t but it doesn’t really matter either as all my Paladins will be using the Arathi plate set for TWW.

he lil bud, they are just beautiful shoulders in the shape of wings. Don’t fret about it, lil buddy. Everything is going to be just fine. Those wing-shaped shoulders are not going to hurt you, lmao.