That honestly doesn’t help imo. I’ve tried that and there’s really no substitution for the real thing. Example being they won’t miss interrupts, don’t pull additional adds, and such.
They’re still entry level, they just aren’t faceroll easy anymore. They’re two entirely separate concepts.
No one is forcing you to play heroic dungeons and most disagree that heroic should be more difficult. We already have more difficult content
entry level content will always be a faceroll to experienced players. the only way they could solve that is make it hard enough to be a challenge to them but then its no longer for entry level players.
Let tank run ahead, follow but dont attack.
Once the tank stop, then start attacking. AOE down the group , and repeat the same process.
If you just hold the “W” button, you wont be left behind to die. If you wait for the tank to group them all up, you wont pull threate and die.
Basic rule of thumb: if tank is moving, so are you. Just dont dps till they stop.
One thing I will say is that this isn’t always a viable strategy in some of the new dungeons, especially from DF. There were times I was having issues staying alive through the random casts and AOE while the tank ran boss to boss. Most tanks don’t even attempt to get aggro so the healer can’t do anything lest they will get aggro; there were times people would rot down doing exactly this when we were running queued DF dungeons.
There’s a lot, and I mean A LOT of design space between so easy that wall to wall pulling is expected and so hard that only experienced players can complete it.
Almost like the content is trivially easy and people get bored trying to play it standard when nothing does dmg
It’s the vast difference in skill and gear. You’ll have the tank that just wants to get out of there. The healer will be completely undergeared fresh and unable to heal much. Then you’ll have the DPS that are completely lost like they’ve never even set foot in this dungeon before. Maybe another DPS that gets hit with every mechanic and then maybe one DPS that pumps.
While this is true, there is also a lot of space between the skill levels of the top and bottom players. Like true wall to wall that we have now could probably be curbed without preventing lesser groups from being farmed by the dungeon. But there is a massive skill range in a 20 year old game.
If by late shadowlands you mean icc patch (the patch lfg was added) in wotlk then yeah it’s been happening