Normal skin for void elves

I am very much pro-High Elf and I wouldn’t be spitting the dummy or changing my Blood Elf if they were made playable. BEs > HEs. Still want HEs to be playable though. It wouldn’t hurt me in the slightest, tiniest bit. Like, at all.

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Ok so after listening to the interview… yeah ok he said it… But it was in the same vein as him agreeing that Kul’Tirians should be mages… Its one of those Soon ™ things… Like it could possibly/maybe happen… But I also think I have a better chance of hell freezing over.

Seriously? Another one of these? There’s another one on the front page already. No, the answer is flat out no.

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“How likely is it?”


Literally illiterate lol

Do you want an actual answer? Cause I can give you one. “How likely is it?” “It isn’t likely at all.” And it shouldn’t be. I feel like “No” was more cost effective.

Naw I’m only joking

I already got an answer in the form of a Q&A. The thread doesn’t really need to keep going

Blood elves ARE High Elves. So are Void Elves. You want to play a High Elf? Play one of those races.

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What are you talking about

They are High Elves genetically. RP a reformed Belf or Velf and bang, you’re a High Elf.

Christ people stop popping High Elf related threads this is getting tiresome already, just stop, this thread add nothing to the matter, it’s not informative, it’s not important, it’s useless, it’s spam.

Hey man, idk if you can read, but this is not a high elf thread. And I already said it should have ended. You’re not adding anything

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Normal skin for Void Elves = High Elvish customization, which infringes on High Elves

If you want my answer to the original post: less likely than a playable High Elf Allied Race because of lore reasons.

High Elves aren’t playable, therefor infringement isn’t possible. We shouldn’t be limiting a playable race just because fans of a NPC race might be offended. Playable races>NPC races.