Normal skin for void elves

Let’s see. Adding more customization options to an existing race (which Blizzard is already doing) vs adding a new and very controversial race. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out which scenario is more likely. :thinking:

Personally, I hope that all of Legion pre-order allied races get additional customization options. They are all lacking in one area or another and really need to be brought up to par with the more recent allied races.

I’m not sure we’ll ever see “high elf” customization for Void Elves, but just like my Lightforged here, they could use more variety in skin tone options. Make no mistake. While there are technically 6 Void Elf skin tone options, 4 of them are virtually identical meaning there’s actually only 3 choices… just like my poor Nightborne and Lightforged characters :disappointed_relieved:

News to me, power to them then but in what right are they paladins? I had no idea.

Trust me, I know full well how unlikely High Elves are. But even with that I think High Elf customization options are even less likely. I honestly believe we’ll see nothing on the High Elf customization front.

I think so too and I love my velf. A blue-eyed blood elf would have been boring.

Love the hair, love the skin and I love randomly getting the Void form.

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Then what is there leader?

My Void Elf yearns to be like Alleria, tattoos and fair skin tone. Let the Void come out in combat, where it belongs.

To be fair, technically Umbric is the Void Elf faction leader, not Alleria.

With that said, I can see why Alleria really is a sore spot. She gets the “high elf customization” but the players do not.

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I like representing the blueberry.

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Omg, this is getting more and more crazy with these subtle request… its like fan of the race are looking for anything loop or hole to get High elf back to the story…
I don’t blame them at all however I never seen such a constant persistent request in any forum in my life… lol :open_mouth:

Even Darkfallen (who are undead High elfs from WC3) request seem to be more consistent and united in what they want yet more unlikely to happen than High Elf… that seem to be on WoW Lore since WC RTS games I think…

I’m all for more diversity and happily support both, but omg, it can’t be denied how long this has been going on…its been a constant request, since Vanilla Classic WoW! :man_shrugging:t2:

What I don’t get or understand is Blizz resistance to adding them…in game? :thinking:

While it says he’s a Blood Knight he has no actual Paladin abilities. His abilities are wholly unique but more like a Death Knight’s than a Paladin. Perhaps he was a Paladin in life but now… likely not.

And he looks an awful lot like a blood elf.

Blood elves already do that.


Keep in mind before the Sunwell was restored, Blood Knights functioned very differently from “normal” paladins. Game mechanics and lore don’t always match.

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Yeah Blood Knight was probably hit title when he died.

Because he was a Blood Elf before he died.

Yes but in this case your linked NPC is San’layn and the title “Blood Knight” likely has more to do with actual blood (since they are vampires) than the Blood Knight Paladins of the Sin’dorei.

yep, you are right.

They are a High elf as much as Blood elves are, no pretending involved . I like the darker tones skin options myself feels more “drowish”

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