Normal Flying

I didn’t read all this thread so Idk if someone already said this but they’ve added features to dragonflying that gives you some of the abilities in old flying, sort of.

I haven’t used them myself but I have noticed that there is a hover option, a backup option while dragonriding so maybe you could explore those and try them out, see if they work for you.

im not a druid and ive never played a druid but I imagine how much it “bites” not being able to use flight form. i feel for you folks


I miss bird form on my druid but I used it mainly to talk to people while being parked, as a bird, on a mailbox.


Flappybird flying is annoying trash.


I love dragonriding, rarely have issues with running out of vigor and love the speed and agility zipping through the air and how it feels and looks. I know eventually we’ll get to use a lot of our old dragons too and I really can’t wait. Also, I use a logitech trackball mouse, so might be easier for me than others with just a regular mouse? Don’t know…

That said, I also love classic flying, and still enjoy doing it when I’m back in the old zones.
I only have one druid, but I haven’t even bothered to level him through DF yet, because I can see how frustrating it would be to not use their flight. I know in most xpacs we are stuck on the ground for months and months, so being able to fly right away was pretty awesome to me.

I speak only for myself though, and would never tell someone else they are wrong for their opinions. /shrug


People are STILL crying about this? Come on man. Get over it already

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I don’t even care about being able to hover that much, tbh. I just like going slowly sometimes, and find it easier for gathering and other things that require precision. Dragon riding is super fun, and I love the races and using it for long distances. But I’m just not good enough at it to enjoy it for higher precision tasks, and never will be.

I don’t PvP. I don’t want it to go as fast as dragon riding. I just want my nice, calm, 310 speed mount so I can enjoy moving at a snails pace through the zones. Oh, and dragon riding brought to the other continents in addition to that so I can also enjoy racing across them, haha.


I actually don’t like dragon riding. I have a very difficult time navigating while flying super fast, and I can’t switch between the map and the normal screen to see where I’m going fast enough to NOT run into things (mountains, trees, hills, etc) or totally using up my flight and dropping to the ground. PLUS, I can’t just set it to basically “auto-fly” for a few moments while I grab a bottle of water or check a text or something. Maybe I just haven’t learned how to “properly” fly, but IMO it’s so much more a hassle than normal flying or even just using a flight path.


I think we should have the choice of which mode to use.

I prefer the new style. Fast, you can’t take your brain completely off-hook, it feels more like flying. Then again, what I like about it is exactly what others hate about it.

So we should each be able to choose which one we use. I lose nothing if you’re able to use old-school flying.


Look at the very least let us hover fly, but I have a plethora of non-dragon mounts I’d rather be using than the few we are shoehorned into.


dragon crashing is for the frantic twitchies…


Because Dragon flying sucks for herbing and mining and trying to find hidden things while up in the air…you damn fly too dang fast to really see whats on the ground if your looking for different things like caves or battle pets …not all of us want to fly 900 miles an hour while in game …we prefer the slower flight form…and I want my druids flight form back to herb with.


It will probably be after the last major patch in a .5 and right before the next expansion.

How so? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Because the old systems work well, and it doesn’t DC you as you so much blink because of Blizzard’s system to detect werid stuff in the code that was made for 15 years ago and wasn’t built for DF.

That and it doesn’t feel annoying at times to use. Like you just want to land on one spot, but can’t and have to screw around for 5 minutes straight. Meanwhile with old flying, 5 seconds, boom, i’m on that spot i want.


It feels like cheating at the game to me because it has unlimited flight/hover time, it requires ZERO effort. space bar to go, aim where your going and press your key for auto fly/so you dont have to hold a button to move. no watching vigor bars or having to increase altitude to give yourself the room to speed up or go over obstacles. I have completley adopted the new flying style where I have to keep an eye on my vigor and plan my flight path. new flying feels really fun with a very small challenge sometimes. new flying feels like a reward to me just to fly.

I mean, you’re welcome to that subjective opinion.

Blizzard didn’t see it cheating for 15 plus years. Others didn’t either. :man_shrugging:

Fun is subjective.

I rather they have both, because at most of the times for me, Dragon riding feels really boring and undercooked with the talents/abilites, and at worst of times, just plain annoying to use. Even with all the glyphs, it did not improve, and it only just got slowly worse overtime for me. Especially with the times when it DC’ed on me and got me caught in a DC loop because i dare to launch off the ground to fly away.

I don’t know about you, but that’s not my idea of fun if the game clearly can’t handle it.

Say what you will about Normal flying, but it’s only meant to get you point A and B. No minigame shenanigans that feels out of place in WoW nor does it integrate well or feel rather clunky with it’s really bad handling (Speed doesn’t matter if the handling is bad in a fantasy game). Normal Flying is utilitarian that way, and that’s it. Regardless if it’s fun or not.


People who found the game unplayable without normal flying have given up on new content or left the game entirely.

What did you win? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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There’s not one single logical reason not to have the “option” for both everywhere. None, baffles the mind.


It doesn’t, and it hasn’t for close to 15 years at this point
Every single expansion there has been one complaint that has been made again, and again, and again: “the world feels empty”, and I wonder why with everyone treating travelling in the game as a chore

Which, to be fair, it has been
Dragon Riding instead makes travelling into a game in of itself

Correct, they instead identified it as one of the key elements that were driving player participation down due to how absolutely dead it made the entire world feel like
As I mentioned above

Expand this mentality to an entire expansion and several thousands of people doing it:
On one hand, I get what I want - the travelling is now done and I get to do what I wanted to do and the chore is now over
Or you can have faster flying in which you actually have to engage with it and yes, much like any mechanic in any game ever, you have to learn it - if it takes you 5 minutes to do something with dragonriding but it would take you 5 seconds with “swimming”, then with dragonriding if you learned it that “chore of a travelling from point A to B” would be done in 2 seconds instead
And you have the opportunity to actually play the game along the way

Engage with a system before you go “Nope, not gonna - better before”

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Oh Hello contrarian, what’s that? You got nothing to say? Shocker. :open_mouth:

LOL, i’ve “engaged” with the system for like 7 months now. It’s still below Normal flying.