Normal BGs are probably safe

I played a few Blitz’s last night, scrounging for honor, and i have to say, i think normal BGs arent in danger.

I dont know what was going on with Blitz last night but i not only didnt win any games, we were getting smoked. In one EotS i dont think we got any points.

But what shocked me is how fast we lost. Same with a BfG. Two bad exchanges and it was over. Not even a chance at a comeback. Overall i think this is probably for the best. If youre going to lose - lose quick!

But at one point think i almost wished for the slow pace of the normal BGs. Or even the Epics.

If that is happening to your team then there is a serious mismatch on knowledge and/or skill, so even if the match is longer it will just likely be a longer loss.

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EotS Blitz… is like running with a team of headless chicken.

We have a few months of frustrating games until all the knowledge of this new BG gets passed along.

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I grinded about 4k honor in Blitz last night towards my vault. I won a few and lost a few. The biggest difference that I saw was the level of players in the matches.

While I am no honor snob, I saw some matches with the enemy team having people 150+ for every player, and I looked at my team and had 11s - 150 with maybe 1 350+. So I think some of it is just newer people to the BGs and not realizing some of the BGs are not the same as normal such as EoTS.

My other thought is since the season just started a lot of the top tier players are still getting MMR or may have just started. I think in a few days it will be worked out.

Don’t give up hope, you can definitely get your wins. If it helped I played from like 8pm PST to about 11pm PST for my games.


Yeah there were two monks last night, Mistweavers, that were carrying insaley hard. Im going to keep going, i love BGs, but this was like 5 matches in a row. Complete slaughter.


Agreed, I was struggling hard against some enemy MWs last night, and even went up against teams that had perfect CC combos against us. It was mind blowing that it could be done in Blitz, but I played for the fun working towards vault and not getting upset at the 100 honor losses. It was a good learning experience overall.

The biggest challenges you will see is when both healers are higher level players on the enemy teams. They stick like glue and can carry very hard. Especially when they are running flags :joy: I chased one guy for what felt like 10 minutes not getting anywhere because they just healed each other constantly. I literally laughed and thought, I want to do that, but I know I suck at healing so I can’t do that LOL.

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You know its funny, i actually got complimented on my heals last night, which i dont think are remarkable, but that probably made the whole night easier.

This was it. Got camped in a GY once because of it. Really insane stuff.

Blitz is infested with low Honor Level players.

Last night I had an Honor level 6 healer.

Instant loss.

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i think whatever mmr is being applied was reset with the new season maybe?

MMR carried over from last season, so people who did a lot of BGB in Season 3 are starting around or over 2K MMR. That said, there should still be some really good players at low MMR in Blitz because they didn’t do it last season, but are now due the Great Vault.


I always get crapped on when i mention honor level, but it absolutely gives you an indication of how the player is expected to do. Especially in BGs where knowing how the game mode works matters.


I just like the number 69…Dont look at me poorly for not wanting to go past it :joy: but I agree, I am only at honor level 89 on my account but I will rock my vanilla titles if it makes people feel better. But I will say going into the game modes, I had no idea my first time in EOTS about the changes…so it definitely relates

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This is my favourite thing about blitz. There’s no time to get tilted. There’s nothing worse than a huge drag of 2:3 Arathi Basin that you know you lost, but it just keeps dragging.

I also noticed this. Played three games on my healer alt, and in one game MMR difference was like 400 points. I shrug it off to a season start.

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Just had a Blitz where we were higher rating 1600 and the enemy was 1300.

After about 10 minutes we were obviously going to lose. I checked the damage meters and I was top as a rogue who was ninja capping and not really fighting… the rest of my team had lots of death and hardly any damage but our healers were good.

Basically our dps was trash and the MMR didnt mean anything. I just afk’d the rest of the game to re-q and still ended up top of DPS for Horde :frowning:

Its tilted for sure.

Seeing a lot of it happening. So lopsided.

There is definitely an argument to be made for your point in Blitz, where the honor levels can get extremely low.

Outside of that though, it doesn’t really mean that much.

Try not to sweat Blitz “mmr” too much. It’s not a properly functioning MMR right now and won’t be until it’s rated.

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Gonna have a lot of inexperienced players queing up for blitz. Until it’s rated and there is a seperation as people climb the ladders, it’s gonna be really lopsided. Gonna have super experienced players getting thrown in with some M+ Carebear. I was on a team in blitz last night and about all of us had PvP titles or exp and we held four orbs no one died in our team and it was over in minutes. And I was also in a game where a mage ran the flag in eots to a wrong node and didn’t know what to do lol it’s gonna be messed up

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Yeah I’ve lost 8 blitz today on my blood tank who is doing its job defending a point except one case where a rogue’s sap somehow lasted 8 seconds and capped me 40 yards off

I actually just started healing this week and manage top healing 30m and still 23m damage on holy and win 90% of my blitz

Now that I’m on tank or evend ps its losing every single one.

On what maps?

Kotmogu, Arathi, and Deepwind gorge

Just lost another blitz as blood for doing my job contesting a point with both their healers on farms, we are Alliance

And no one was taking stables and mines instead fighting the blood dk in mid

Seriously think this is win trading.

Update: Finally won one

Enemy tank was prot paladin therefore free kill and Lighthouse was taken and won gilneas.

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