Bingo. And it’s even stranger because all the I hate GL posters swear they have no problem losing a PL roll, but we had the same threads every week with PL because higher geared toons were coming in and stealing loot/refusing to trade away what they won…
Well, the issue there isn’t the loot system (as PL would make that easier), it’s cross realm gold trading.
Pretty sure warbank made that an irrelevance now.
You could still work around it with the warbank, but doing so would make the process very tedious.
Eh, if you couldn’t trade cross realm it wouldn’t be possible to have the gold in the window along with the item, which would open up scamming and potentially turn people off from doing it.
Well, this is another reason why it’s not coming back.
To quote Ion back at SL Launch when asked the same question: “It’s one of the edge case sort-of abusy things that happens.” “We definitely don’t see it as this is a huge advantage of the system that these people can make these all leather raids”.
How many pieces of Loot are going to drop from a Mythic raid boss?
then on 2/16/21:
Items and Rewards
- Castle Nathria
- Bosses now drop 33% more loot than before, in all difficulties.
Bringing us to 4 items per 20 people, which reduces to 1 item per 5 players.
Same as we have now.
Wrath of the Lich King was over 15 years ago.
That’s just the nature of guild raiding. I was an officer and eventually the GM of a heroic 25man guild from ICC through Dragon soul.
I wasnt going to give a SUPER choice piece of gear to someone that just joined or were very new for multiple reasons (unless people didnt actually need it or they personally elected to be magnanimous pass)
- I have no idea if they are going to work out long term.
- Are they going to consistently and reliably pull proper numbers given the difficulty we’re doing?
- Are they able to reliably and properly handle mechanics?
- Are they going to reliably show up on time on raid nights for the vast majority of raid nights?
- Are they going to be a pleasant person to not only have in guild, but have in raids (i.e. their demeanor/attitude)?
- Are they actually going to stick around or are they just looking for some easy kills/loot and then peacing out or becoming “busy” on raid nights a lot?
- etc…
- Really sets a bad tone for long standing guild members.
- These are people that I can count on across the board (numbers, mechanics, attendance, attitude, etc…) and have been in the guild for months/years. Oh, but that REALLY super good piece of gear? yeah, gave it to the brand-new person instead.
Loot drama always stings me, even when I come out on top.
The other day my Hunter was in a pug in a mostly guild group clearing Heroic. I won an item - an actual Hunter item - but everyone was mad that I didn’t give it to their guildie.
Some offered to buy it. Most said I suck and I don’t deserve it and their friend deserves it, because they formed the raid - yeah, that really put me in a giving mood.
Finally, the Raid Leader told me to give it up or leave, so I left - with the item.
People get rude about gear even if it is for your class and spec, and you win the roll. Like they expect people just to show up to give them gear.
Honestly I just roll on whatever I want at this point. It’s the consequence of having no community. This wouldn’t be true in classic where you have a shared community, but since anti-social people wanted to destroy that for convenience they also lost the trust that comes with it. You’re never going to see any of those people again anyway so just roll what you want. There’s no TOS or rule saying you can’t roll on whatever is presented to you, just do it. If you want additional rules then join a guild.
Right? IDK how many times I have seen guilds roll need on stuff and then be like “oh i dont need this” and give it to their in guild high school level click friend…just gear funneling to their buddies basically.
differences between the spec you play and loot spec should only be available for vault and delves. group content, nope.
obviously blizzard disagrees with you, since they implemented a “loot spec” option
Nope. If I am running the content as the role the group needs, I should be able to get the gear I need.
sounds like you played badly. i got showered with loot when i jumped from an aotc guild to a ce guild, because it was clear i was going to be around for a bit and i wasn’t doing terribly despite being in worse gear than everyone else.
any halfway serious mythic guild wants to gear up their trials, because that’s the only way to get them contributing as quickly as possible. if you’re a trial and getting no gear after 3-4 weeks: you failed your trial, move on.
Which was the worst experience had during that time. Right after that i have never join guild for raiding again.
I almost wipe out the whole guild ( Alliance ) in pvp for their crap they gave me. I finally took out their guild leader who thought he could beat me in pvp with his rogue. I saw him in ghost form looking at me. He knew i wasn’t a players to be F - ING AROUND.
I went back on my Horde character to destroy him and the whole guild and that’s what i did. One by one.
I remember what happen like it was yesterday. I don’t forget.
Back in Wolk there were no M+ . I will never do M+ since it not my cup of tea. Back in the day pvp was my cup of tea. I enjoy every bit of it. I eat, sleep, and pvp. I was very good at what i did during those times.
I miss bonus rolls. Those were nice.
At least we had a glimmer of hope when target farming items we really wanted.
Should at least be able to see Pug raid loot specs and decide if we want to stay. If someone is one loot spec all raid and swaps for the one boss you need, you should have this information and do with it what you will.
If by “decide if we want to stay” you mean avoid deserter, that would be abused to no end. If you mean you can eat the deserter but save your lockout for that boss for that week, then while I’m not thrilled with the idea, it’s certainly better than no deserter.