Non-rated should not get conquest

I think the best way to settle down non-rated Que synchers and premades butchering the landscape it to make it so only rated games give conquest points! Non rated don’t need conquest gear. And rated players rarely
Play in non Rated Cept end of season. This will limited the roflstomps


You misunderstand why the premades are being formed, they are not farming conquest. They could do that much easier and faster in several other ways. They are formed for 2 reasons. 1, the most important, is that it feels good to win. They like facing no challenge and easily dominating other players, this is clear by the fact that they develop whole addons in order to avoid any threat of a real fight.

and 2 they are farming honor as well. random epics give almost no conquest, but they give A LOT of honor, especially if you can gy farm afk casuals repeatedly. they are probably massively responsible for vicious bloodstones decreasing in price so much.

they simply need to kill the addons responsible, which is easily done by just making specific calls it makes private. thats the first step. removing conquest from epic bgs would not affect premades in the slightest. it would only make even less casuals que up. so i guess it would affect them that way, it would probably kill the entire mode for good.


Thanks for the post that actually makes good sense.
I saw one of those Que synchers out of curiosity I looked at their win loss ration and they had like 80% win rate over hundreds of games. Now….im pretty good at PvP. I’m no glad, but for a filthy casual I can hold my own. I barely have 50% win rate in a lot of my
Categories so that tells me that cheating is happening. Math don’t lie


So, premade communities not only ruin casual BGs - but this guy wants to allow their exploiting to dictate and ruin the current PvP gearing system - which is the best we’ve ever had. Pure genius, bro.

This is why Blizzard won’t take suggestions from this forum.

What’s to stop them from doing rated… gearing up - and going back to Epics?

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The risk of losing on an even playing field? lol


This add-on is not what allows people to sync queue. If the add-on dies tomorrow you will still have communities sync queuing without batting an eyelash

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You seriously don’t think they’d do enough rated to get conquest gear… so, they can stomp Epics even harder?

This entire thread is one giant terrible idea.

The PvP gearing system is perfect.

they are probably massively responsible for vicious bloodstones decreasing in price so much

I made a comment that premades are becoming a bigger problem for this very reason – farming honor to sell bloodstones – and one of them tried to compare it to trying to make an income working for Uber, or something? It was another really bad analogy, but they’re absolutely making bank on selling bloodstones, and they don’t want to admit it


It was a joke. I’m well aware they’ll do whatever it takes to gain an advantage over pugs in unrated PvP.


So, let’s be happy Blizzard doesn’t use this forum for suggestions.

Because, this is… something a premade community would suggest.

Removing conquest from unranked wouldn’t make a difference because no one farms unranked for conquest in the first place. They’re getting it from playing ranked and collecting warmode crates. Especially the crates.

this was the way it was way before. i never said once to change the gearing system.
People who play rated should get rated gear. if carebear que synchers wanna step up and play rated and then go in and squish non rated players in full rated gear thats fine! they earned it.
but majority of the que synch carebears couldnt grind out a set. and non-rated shouldnt give out conquest! its a great idea. its not something i made up. it was how it used to be back when pvp was at the pinnicle of success. you should have known that before you opened your mouth

yeah im not sure why blizz is showering the non-rated game play with so many loot options. they need to stop with that stuff.

The system was changed… for a reason.

‘‘Pinnacle of success’’

Holy God… This forum is terrible.

L O L.

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Exactly and that competition for AFK’ing for bloodstones aka. pennies to the dollar, is paying for someones PagPag in the Phillipines. Enjoy the documentaries on phillipines eating pagpag and AFK’ing for bloodstones/gold through websites

Rated PvP participation was at it’s lowest… which is why so many top rated players were even calling for this current gear system to be re-implemented. IF they ever do what this thread suggests - it would lead to even bigger premade pug stomps. It would result in premade communities having full conquest gear - stomping Honor geared pugs. This thread, and this suggestion might be the worst I’ve seen in a long time. There’s zero thought put into it.

Blizzard is never going back on the current PvP gearing, because it’s one of the few things people actually enjoy about the last two expansions. But for somebody to actually suggest giving premade communities another advantage over pug groups - is absolutely insane. I’m just dumbfounded right now… I mean, seriously.

‘‘Pinnacle of success’’ LOL.

Yeah… Shadowlands rated PvP was the ‘‘pinnacle of success.’’

And youd be wrong. So wrong.

Yesi t does cuz rated players with BIS gear do randoms. WOW just WOW

HAHAHA youre so wrong again. DUDE!

No it wont it will increase them and cause less to play pvp
Gatekeeping never works.

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The fact that 90% of them are hardstuck < 1600 and would spend hours getting farmed there keeps them out of rated content.

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No joke - I’m glad somebody else caught on to the ignorance.

This thread needs to be deleted.


So, you want to remove the best PvP gearing this game has ever had… and take the chance that the people in these premade communities can’t get conquest geared in BG Blitz/Solo Shuffle?

What happens IF they do? What happens IF they start doing Epics with full conquest gear vs. Honor geared pugs?

This is ridiculous… somebody actually supports this idea?

So, to fix the premade problem… we punish the majority of the player base by removing their ability to fully gear… in hopes that the premade communities can’t get over 1600?

Yeah… that’s genius.

Ion already tried it… It was called ‘‘Shadowlands.’’ It failed hard.