Non lvl 70Characters are incapable of dying in Dragon Isles

I don’t know if this is a new bug or… a feature (I hope it’s a bug!) But I was leveling an Evoker and I noticed that while I am in the Dragon Isles, I cannot die. If my HP is reduced to 0 in combat, it just fills back up and this happens an infinite number of times. (I let mobs wail on me for 10 minutes and it refilled 25+ times before I just ran away). My evoker was level 15 at the time. He’s level 36 now, still can’t die.

I switched to my Druid, he’s level 20, thinking maybe it was an Evoker thing, but no the Druid cannot die either. At least not in combat. They can die from Falling damage but not combat damage.

I left the Isles and picked a fight with some elites in Winterspring, I died as I expected, then returned to the Dragon isles and once more couldn’t die.

I then switched to my level 70 Paladin, and repeated the experiment in Dragon Isles, he could die, thankfully. So I know that at least at level 70 I can die! I remember dying to some mobs at level 20 on my PLD, before the patch.

I don’t know how it happened. It is still happening, and it kind of negates any challenge at all and isn’t really fun. If this is affecting new players (I’ve played since the start) Then it could teach them the wrong lessons. If this is a new feature… Iiii would suggest removing it.

Also I disabled the two Addons I was using, just in case somehow one of those was causing it, no change. (Details and a Dialog UI)

If anyone knows why this is happening please let me know. Thanks!


I’ll admit, your post got me super curious, so I had to try it. Turns out my level 49 priest also gets her health refilled when empty instead of dying.

Edit: I am able to die from fall damage, but against mobs, it seems the attack that is supposed to kill you misses, then you’re back to 100%.


I am actually glad i am not the only one! We can fall and die by that’s it. Not sure what’s going on. Can die in dungeons at least!

Do you have the buff “Prismatic Blessing” on you?

I think that may have been one of them. I’m not at my pc to log in at the moment. I remember the obsidian blessing though

Blows my mind there is only 1 post of this…

It is almost certainly the Prismatic Blessing buff. If you look at in on WoWhead, one of the effects is to absorb overkill damage. This must be bugged right now.

But, is it intentional or a bug?

If It’s intentional, I cannot imagine a world where this is a good idea. I know WoW has a reputation as an easy game, at least in the leveling department, but this is kind of ridiculous. It would teach the wrong lessons to new players, it would show them “Hey, do whatever you want no consequence!” And show them that they don’t need to actually learn their spec, just run into a dozen mobs, and a few bosses why not! you can survive literally anything, you’re a god.

Then they get to level 60 (When I believe the buff shuts off, as it’s not on my 60 Warrior when I was leveling) and they aren’t properly prepared for… anything really.

Plus it’s just not fun, You don’t get that exhilration of overcoming even a small challenge, if there is no challenge at all. Imagine how much less fun Elden Ring would be if you had invincibility on all the time. (not saying WoW needs to be as hard as a Soulsborne game mind you, but it needs… SOME risk to teach player their limitations and how to overcome them)

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the real question is, does it work in open world pvp in the isles? :stuck_out_tongue: I’m sure it doesnt. Could you imagine the number of posts there would be of low levels trolling max levels all over the isles.

Oh gosh it would be everywhere. That would be chaos!

I cannot imagine this be intentional. The possibility of some weird exploit of it alone would likely deter them from ever creating this intentionally.

I have to agree with you about how unfun it is. I found out about this because I was doing a no heirloom, no addon adventure mode playthrough on my rogue when I managed to ‘die’ to a patrol. Funnily enough I had encountered this bug earlier in the prepatch and didn’t actually realize it was a bug at the time. Me and my friend were leveling paladins and he had ‘died’ but when he went to full health he thought I had used lay on hands on him. Needless to say we were both confused. Hadn’t thought much of it till now.


I’m having the exact same issue. Current character is 59 atm, and cannot die at all in the dragon isles. I like it for frustrating deaths but honestly it’s kinda boring not to die? This has to be some weird bug like others have said with the Prismatic Blessing.

Still a thing.

The fact everything scales to your level already made the game feel less enjoyable and this makes it a complete waste of time.


Well at least they confirmed it’s a bug now and are fixing it! huzzah!

Hasn’t it been months now? Has Blizzard responded on the forums/PTR to this bug yet, besides that external quote? I didn’t see anything in the PTR notes. Really hoping they’ll show a sign that this is being fixed ASAP.

Wife and I came back after years away, bringing along the kids. Have suspended subs with this bug, hoping that voting with our feet will add to the right data points to encourage removing this sort of feature.

Kids love the world and exploration, but found it to be easy mode and lacking challenge. In their own words. Said that was the only reason they would still prefer the challenge of Terraria or Minecraft.

I said it’d get harder as they levelled up, but then comes Dragonflight - fun emotive story, fantastic exploration, yet pointless combat with infinite heals. No room for growth, for learning rotations, no need to work together at all. We shouldn’t HAVE to go into a dungeon or jump of a cliff to bite off more than we can chew. Forcing us into baby mode for hours and forcing us to focus on getting to 70 in order to ‘unlock the normal game’ is an awful feeling, and encourages bad habits.

Returning players also are highly unlikely to need this much hand holding.

Reddit tells me real game doesn’t start until max level, and we should just rush it there. That’s not what kids want to do. That’s not what we want to do. It’s never how we played. We enjoyed the journey.

For example, we sat for ten minutes or so, listening to the Pandaren starting area song on the wandering turtle. The game being too easy diminished our fun, but the nicely crafted song and story made up for it.

Back in my day, WoW felt dangerous. You had to go exploring to find a dungeon. You’d get lost on the way to the Wailing Caverns. You got wiped out by a rare elite, learnt to run away and come back with friends for revenge. It fostered camaraderie, and it kept us coming back each day.

They dropped that with WOTLK and after, and we lost interest as communities fell apart. But okay, we’ve got our own little community now. So we came back for story, for skyriding, and for the joy of seeing it through kids eyes, and because we figured we’d find other ways to challenge ourselves - I could always just pull more mobs, after all. Now I can’t even do that. There’s no point in healing anyone. Just face mash.

I don’t understand who the target audience is. I’ve got a sample of ages and experience levels right here, we’re both fans of collectors editions…

There’s a lot of story to enjoy before that. We don’t want to be stuck in classic, either - we still want to experience the new story of retail, and skyriding is awesome. The game can’t just start at 70 & dungeons.

Please, give us space to fail and laugh about our misadventures afterwards.

TL;DR: Please let us know more re fixing bug, and let us opt out of the buff at least.

Have a great day.

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Thank you, I am aware of what an external website has attributed to a blizzard dev, that’s how I wound up on the forums looking for more on it.

I’m asking if they’ve acknowledged it here, in the bug reports, on the PTR, directly to the community, as something they actually are going to fix.

Because without that, it feels like less of a bug and more like it’s a test to see if the bug helps new player retention to be higher - and if that’s the case, I want to make sure there are five clear votes against it.

But I’m hoping I’ve just missed it, because I’m itching to sub, I’ve missed the game a lot and I’m now addicted to beating gold in all skyriding races without unlocking the remaining talents or quest perks cos challenge is so much fun.

This is our barrier to sub.

I have notified the GMs of this, they have said it belongs under bug reports.

No point making a new report when the existing one will do, so I’ll just include basic evidence.

Characters under 70 can’t die in the Dragonflight areas. The Prismatic Blessing or Ruby Blessing in Dragonflight is broken. Instead of saving players from dying once an hour, the cooldown isn’t implemented. If a player is under 70, you can take on endless mobs and not die in combat to anything besides a world boss.

We can’t remove the buff. The only way past it is to make it to level 70.

Here’s evidence on Youtube. I can’t embed it, so I’ll break up the link.

youtube dot com /watch?v=9Rv_JxRRvD0&t=1217s

As mentioned prior, the bug has been acknowledged in correspondence with WindowsCentral by Game Director Ian Haazzikostas.

I look forward to adding the family to our subs when it’s fixed.

I avoid leveling in the isles to not be affected by it. I have been mainly using cataclysm. I like it’s dungeons.

I would very much do the same, but I desperately want to play through at least a decent part of Dragonflight’s main story because I NEED the skyriding. I NEEDS THE FLAPPIES! IT IS SO MUCH FUN. I love dipping and diving and soaring and trying to make my boost last.

I love it love it love it.

But the last few abilities at the top of the skyriding talent choices are exclusively unlocked through quests in Dragon Isles. And supposedly you get more skyriding talent/proficiency points by levelling, but that hasn’t happened yet at 30, it’s the same as at level 10 so far.

Small tangent following on what you said: When it comes to playing Cataclysm content, do you have any suggestions for not accidentally going into later expansion content? Really want to play through story in order as much as possible. Want to avoid my kids triggering scenes - we were in party and they walked into the Warchief Hut in Valley of Strength and we went from a troll leader there to a random cut scene of Sylvanas being warchief. I suspect the kids picked up a quest.

…I’m a hypocrite though, since I’m doing dragonflight on another character just to get the skyriding. Kids aren’t at 20 yet though, they don’t know what they’re missing :stuck_out_tongue: