Non lvl 70Characters are incapable of dying in Dragon Isles

It’s complicated to STAY in the expansion based on how the world works. I just go there through chromie time, that tends to stop things but… not always.

I am not following the story though i just sort of pick a random zone and go there and do quests and run some dungeons until i hit 70. Takes a bit but it’s a good way for me to learn a spec naturally

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I can’t seem to log into the PTR to test if this bug has been dealt with, and got no replies when posting on that board. Could anyone else here bothered by the bug access the PTR to see if it’s fixed there?

Yes, on ptr it properly applies a 60 minute cooldown via debuff when you are saved from death.

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THANK YOU! Blimey that was bothering me so much. I’ve been playing the pandaren area meanwhile and dying in the starting area because I stood in acid without realizing it, amusing fun like-a-newbie mistakes

it’s going to be so much nicer exploring the isles with a sense of danger again.

Anywhere I should go to with urgency before it becomes too hard to get there at low levels again?

I do wonder where in the isles might one also go, if someone had only one evening left and actually DID want to grind the most possibly frequently spawning mobs in Dragon Isles for quick XP because they have too many low level alts


I suppose that’s better than immunity to death, allowing one mistake an hour. There is something similar in TWW as well if you pass a certain condition.