Non-existent drop rate for evoker legendary

Thanks for the two months it took to type that out update about FF14 vs wow in a post about the evoker legendary… You necro’ a topic to post off topic…

It’s 2024 everything social is “toxic”. That’s games when you deal with other people.

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Fated raids technically aren’t old content when they are fated though. If you were actually trying to do old content, no one would really care about your gear

the majority of the handful of people who would be looking at it probably wouldn’t

there 100% would be some

but the bigger issue is that almost no one is looking to run the old content in WoW

  1. I used FFXIV as a comparison to explain why someone was wrong in their take. maybe read back further for context next time
  2. no, not everything social is toxic. if you really think that, then it’s more likely you are the toxic one. there is some everywhere, but there are places where you can generally avoid it and places where you can’t. FFXIV is closer to the former, while WoW is closer to the latter

A few weeks?
I have played Evoker for the entire expac and still don’t have it.

17 lfr 8 normal 9 heroic 1 mythic and nada.

Just going to bury your head in the sand on this one huh?