Non-Evoker dracthyr do not play any sounds

Currently, as of game version, non-evoker Dracthyr sounds do not play. Various attack sounds, callout sounds and emote sounds, etc are not audible.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a non-evoker dracthyr. In my case, I created a warrior dracthyr.
  2. Attack a target dummy or enemy that will not die quickly. Observe that certain attack sounds (like weapon impact) do not play, instead it is only plays swoosh sounds.
  3. Type “/silly” or another voiced emote like “/whoa”. Observe no voiceline plays. The voice emote may not replicate to other players as well, ruining the social factor of this feature!
  4. Target an enemy that is out of range and try attacking while self-callouts are enabled. Observe that the dracthyr does not play an audible voice line like “I need to be closer”.

Additionally - female dracthyr, when they do make sounds, play the male sounds.
Dracthyr warrior charges play pandaren sounds.

This bug is pretty annoying! It ruins some of the appeal of playing as a Dracthyr.


Bumpity bump bump.

I have converted my rogue to full time visage form until this gets fixed.

I’ve only tested assassination. All of my ability sounds work aside from rupture.
The main thing is she has absolutely zero voice lines for anything.


Same issue here, really hoping they fix this on Tuesday’s maintenance. I’m playing a female dracthyr and all the voice lines that do exist in dragon form (which seem to mostly be combat ones? Feign Death, for example) are using the male dracthyr voice. It also appears to be happening to every single non-evoker dracthyr from what I’ve seen, so hopefully it’s a major enough issue to get some attention from Blizzard.

I’m really looking forward to playing my hunter once this is fixed, but until then, that character is being mostly set aside since it’s really annoying to have to play with no audio feedback from the character.


As someone who race changed my warrior to Dracthyr, it has been causing me a lot of gender dysphoria due to my female character playing male sounds. I can’t express enough how much this is negatively affecting my game play. Please fix this, I’m begging you.


Some additional info that I saw in another bug report - dracthyr also incorrectly use pandarin male voice lines when charging as a warrior!


I will toss my hat in as well, even as it is now tuesday, hotfix day, it is still broken. I too have an evoker warrior (female too), and it’s either no sounds or male voice.


Still having this issue after so many other hotfixes have gone out. I would love to have some acknowledgement from Blizzard indicating they even know about this bug. My friends and I who have swapped to dracthyr all paid for race changes in order to do so, and now half of us don’t even want to play those characters until this is fixed, lol. :sob:


yeah, even a “We’re aware and working on this” would be nice, otherwise it just feels like it’s an issue thats gonna go to the wayside for months :frowning:


so many people transferred to be this race. I wonder if those people can get a reverse transfer and get a refund for the transfer.

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In the past, you could open a ticket to get it refunded and swapped back to your original race.

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Still an issue, even after the live patch today :frowning:


i was wondering why my dracthyr mage was grunting like she snorted a entire raids worth of testosterone…


This has not been fixed still!


Yep still an issue. C’mon Blizz we need some help here.


Right?? It’s frustrating and kind of jarring that an entire race can be broken and reported as broken for over a month and not get a fix or even a “We’re working on it”


Bumping for visibility. It is so upsetting that this is still broken and even more so knowing this has also been a problem for Tauren and Kul Tirans for ages!!


I don’t think people realise just frustrating it is not having something as simple or small as voice lines and emotes.
It’s a core function for people who rely on voice lines to know if they’re out of range or facing the wrong way, especially for those who are impaired otherwise.

I feel disconnected from my character now because she either sounds like a 40 year old Male Pandaren or a Male Dracthyr. I can’t enjoy any of the laugh, joke or flirt lines the voice actors worked for.


I haven’t played this game in a few years. I decided to download it and make a free trial character. . I was having fun until I realized the dragon forms of the dracthyr were really quiet. Google brought me here. I see this problem hasn’t been fixed, and I was really having fun soaring around on my dragon boy. I haven’t subbed yet, now IDK if I should :frowning:


Id still sub. Yea its a let down, but it’s not game breaking.

Since they came out. I have a drac of every class now. They just live in visage until this is fixed. But I absolutely love soar and glide.

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Can be a minor issue same for the MtF trans players like myself where were. Ya know. Trying to not have a modicum of masculine sides to things that we’re trying to have represent us.

Have confirmed the above issues are still a problem as I’m logged into my F Drac Rogue; but don’t have issues on Evokers.

Hopefully this will get fixed, honestly.