Noir - Uldaman/Ravencrest - Horde Recruitment

Noir is recruiting for the following several types of wow players:
Achievement Mongers

Tanks; 1MT/OT and 1extra
Healers; 3 Healers and 1 extra OH
DPS; 3 ranged, 3 melee, 2 extra

About: Most of our team consist of busy adults. We raided Nyalotha 12/12H with another guild on the server and came together when there was a lul in BFA gameplay.
Raid Days: Thursdays/Sat: No time confirmed

Expectations: Spend time weekly working towards personal progression (M+, professions, covenant) so that our raids are not your only progression.

We would like to get enough to do all tiers of arenas going in the guild. As everyone knows soloing non-rated BGs is…horrible. We would like to at least get 12+ players who really enjoy pvp content so we can have a mix.

Achievements Mongers
We have several members already who really enjoy running old content and to get unique achievements. The more the merrier. We currently run content weekly and post weekly for this.

Similar to Achievement Mongers we have several collectors who mostly work to collect Mounts, Pets, and Reputations. If your goal is to get the game secret mounts, our guild works on that regularly along with achievements. This will be a great fit for you.

Our guild occasionally conducts farms such as 2x4 and other raw gold farms. We do this for the individuals in the farm, not the guild. Guild members are not expected to do anything for the guild itself, just play the game as they enjoy it.

A bit about us: Noir started in 2012 toward the end of Cataclysm. The guild master Salt has played an UD rogue since vanilla. The officers Kight and Doughboyjr focus on M+ and raid content but often join achievement and collector efforts when they are available. The officer Cyn, brings a unique casual style to the guild and conducts fun events inside wow as well as outside of wow in various other games. We occasionally do guild achievements together to work on getting more guild mounts and pets.

If you are interested. Please post here and you are always welcome to reach out to the following:


You can also contact us on discord: Please message us before requesting to join our guild channel.