#nochanges You Think You Did, but You Didn't

If you read my Post History, at all, you would know I loathe and despise PvP. Either way, you knew what getting Classic entailed, so why should they change it just because you don’t want to do the work for it? That’s exactly the point of “you think you do, but you don’t”. You don’t want to do the PvP Gear grind, well tough luck. Go ask for your Unicorn Classic Server somewhere else and stop trying to piggy back/hijack Classic.

It’s very simple. #nochanges to Classic. IDC if you’re asking for some bizarre WoW Game Server that has nothing to do with Classic.

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I have no idea why you went from the topic of changes to the pvp in vanilla lol. Whatever, You haven’t told me anything new regarding the old rank 14 system. You wasting your time explaining this is humorous to say the least especially when it’s you stating someone elses achievements by name. Rank 14 was a huge time investment and required weeks of dedication. So you haven’t broke down anything for me you have only showed me you assumed I was not around.

I played on Burning Legion since early 2005 as a dwarf priest. My guild was able to get only 4 or so bosses in Naxx at the time because we were mainly waiting for BC release. A lot of players were not able to have a chance to get into Naxx at the time. I don’t discredits anyone’s achievement and can only take you’re word for it on it being true or not. Nor do I have to boast about anything like that but I was there I know all about that.

Lets keep the topic on changes and not how pvp worked in vanilla k?


All I’m saying is can we stop trying to change the point of Classic? Do the work like we (in general) did, in asking for you own unicorn WoW version of the Game, as its own Server. Stop trying to taint Classic for your own bizarre requests.


Leave. Don’t change anything. You want changes, you go back to the trashcan.

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PvP rewards gained have to be changed. I’m not talking about rank 14, I’m talking about getting the gear needs to be easier. It took no life to get the gear. I’m willing to talk and explain to you over discord how much effort it takes to get the gear.

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I already know this and hell no. Just because you dont have time for it doesnt mean other players dont. You dont like it because it affects you and want things easier. You don’t have to explain anything because we already know you have the retail “I want things easier” mentality.


I’d be happy to discuss in a Discord, if you don’t mind me being congested, ATM 'cause I have a Cold Virus. I, also, never doubted the work, still that’s part of the “joys” of Classic.

We already agreed on that. Why are you still belaboring this over and over again? You could probably just save yourself a lot of headache and assume that when if people are talking about changes to classic, no reasonable person would suggest that you must have it too. A classic server that is left unchanged can probably be assumed as a given.


Don’t people use mods?

Perhaps, between you and me, but for others, not so much. People aren’t specifying that they’re wanting a Barbershop for a separate Classic Server, though. They’re talking about adding Barbershops to Classic, period. And getting mad at me and stating things like “what could it hurt?” So, not everyone is talking about separate Classic servers. They’re talking about changing Classic, period. Hence the need, for my Post.


and you wonder why “vanilla” players are considered toxic.

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It’s common sense to quit playing a game if you aren’t happy with it. If that’s toxic to you, you might need to toughen up!

I understand reading comprehension can be hard for some, but I have clearly said more than once in this thread I am enjoying Classic.

I don’t know what to tell you if you think wanting barbershops added to Classic means I am not happy.

You can be happy and want more.

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The same can be said about all of the people who create threads asking for changes/features to be added to Classic. Blizzard’s intent with it was to be a near perfect recreation of vanilla. Layering and all of the graphics settings, mail functionality, FP cancel button, and bugs that came with the Legion client that it runs on aside, they achieved that.

Classic may not be 100% vanilla, but it’s close enough for me, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit idly by while others try to do everything they can to hijack it and turn it into something it was never meant to be. Once the 6th and final phase drops, the updates to it will cease as it should be. We already have retail for constant updates/changes/new content…we don’t need it in Classic.

Separate servers or we will quit, and that’s millions of dollars a month in subs that Blizzard stands to lose if they do ANY further changes outside of bug/exploit hotfixes

THIS ^^^



guys wtf are u talking About?!?! blizzard did put it already in the game a long time ago!!

GO AND CHECK IT OUT!.. in retail :slight_smile:

for the others who dont like this stuff, we have our museum calld ‘‘classic’’ :slight_smile:
im paying for my museums tour and im not paying for the retail Adventure!
if they make classic a second retail, me and all my friends + alooot more guilds will just quit and move to star citizen (i can wait for this game)


You think there will be that many people still active six months after Naxx drops? Twelve months? What were private server populations like? Didn’t those even include wipes to keep things somewhat fresh?

I never played a private server, so just asking. I did play Vanilla, and I remember that even then, with a lack of non-raid content to do, a lot of people moved on. I know, I know, retail is that way, etc… but if you’re going to appeal to Blizzard’s wallet, I think you should consider that the raiding elite of Vanilla comprised of 1% of the population. I’ll even grant you that another 1% might be folks who just like to RP. So you threatening to quit because the game doesn’t stay exactly as it is forever post Phase 6 isn’t terribly compelling from a financial point of view.

I get it, you’re livin’ the dream and the blood of the horde is rushing through your veins… you can’t really see into the future, only the now. It will be interesting to see what you’re up to in two years time.

LOL you are looking at the wrong groups of people here. Not everyone who liked vanilla/likes Classic is all about the endgame content and nothing else. There are tons of things to do in the game besides raid or PVP. Like grinding up all your secondary skills Fishing/First Aid/Cooking…Hunting down every last recipe/pattern for your chosen crafting profession(s)…Farming elemental cores/scourgestones for AD rep. Farming feathers for Timbermaw rep…Finishing every quest in every zone. Farming for mats and/or BoEs to sell on the AH…And of course doing the same for alts. Classic has content enough to keep people busy for a VERY long time for those who choose to participate in it.

People like you and all the streamers and everyone who strictly cares about raiding content and nothing else will be the ones who are bored after Phase 6…but not the rest of us…it is that 1% who will be bored and don’t amount to much money wise to Blizzard…not the other way around

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Do you really think those are things that are going to hold people’s interest in the long term? Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly things to do, but they are finite and not engaging for the majority of the player base. So while you certainly can do those things, most people certainly won’t and you know that. If you want to do those things, awesome! If you don’t, why stand in the way of more content? Because you don’t like it? It’s not just about you.

Easy there, fella. Don’t presume to know what I care about or what I like to do with the game. WoW is a game that offers something for everybody. As the saying goes, I pay my $15 a month just like you do.

I mean, what you’re saying is, “This is how I like to enjoy the game and so everybody else should be the same!” Having another dungeon or two in the game changes nothing for you, but I guess other people having fun in a different way than you is offensive.

Meh… moving on.

What?? LOL. Your initial assertion was:

Seems to me that you were making those SAME presumptions about what others like to do in the game or not like, and then going so far as to claim to know just how many prefer one thing in the game over another and assuming that it wouldn’t mean much to Blizzard’s bottom line. Pot? Meet Kettle.

I merely responded to show you how flawed that line of thinking truly was. And yes your $15 per month is just as important as everyone else’s. I never made any statements or implications to the contrary, so I don’t even know why you felt it necessary to say that to begin with.

That’s not at ALL what I am saying. Everyone is free to enjoy the game however they like…that is one of the many things about the older WoW that make it better than retail IMO. Choice in the game is a very good thing…such as the talent trees vs retail. Here’s the rub though. If you and everyone else who is clamoring for changes/QoL features/new content gets their way and Classic is modified accordingly to add them…That REMOVES choice from the people who like the game JUST THE WAY IT IS and don’t need/want anything else.

Classic+ and/or any of the later expansions MUST be separate or Blizzard will have a bad day PR wise that will be just bad if not worse than when they tried to remove flying from the game back in WoD.

Neither you, nor anyone else who wants Classic to change can say ANYTHING that can justify changing it. Classic wasn’t made for people who want it to change. It was made for the people who quit the game LONG AGO after TBC and beyond slowly destroyed the vanilla aspect of the game and finally the world itself post Cataclysm

The point of #nochanges escapes you.