#nochanges to PvP! Include CRBGs

Sure, which is why I also said “It very well may depend on average BG queue times in Classic. If they’re really bad and people are complaining, maybe we’ll see battlegroups and CRBGs sooner.”

After BGs come out in classic, if there are a lot of servers with faction balance issues, perhaps they’ll be more inclined to use CRBGs. Maybe they’ll even only use them for servers with significant faction balance issues and leave closely balanced ones alone. Who knows?

I would rather the bg take forever to pop and make pvpvers look to wolrd pvp while waiting to get their fix than have crbgs


This is mostly because BFA is trash and many people have stopped playing (people hate winter grasp & seething shore, some alliance are boycotting bgs etc). They also segregated low level queues recently (removed exp off from exp on queues) which only increased everyone’s queue times.

Segregating the queues is akin to having no crbg ie. smaller pool of players and you get longer queues.

I am the worst on this topic. I remember single server days, I still remember the names of the dominant PvP’ers I fought in BG’s. I’ll 100 years old and never forget them.

And I remember being very happy when x-realm came along because it shortened Q times by A LOT.

So… yeah. I loved recognizing people I fought, but I also loved to get into BG’s any time I wanted not just during prime time hours. The fact that there are people around who claim that x-realm did not affect Q times… they are either lying about what they remember or lying about playing early Vanilla.



I’ll be on a PVE server but I love BG’s. Without crbg my queues are in the hours or non-existent. Patch 1.12 introduced crbg for good reason. And as others have said, a battlegroup was only 4-5 servers anyways. You still recognize faces.



That’s kinda the point, faction imbalance = long Q’s and no matter what you do there will always imbalance in faction regardless of CRBG or not.

With CRBG everyone gets to suffer the fate.

With out CRBG only the seriously imbalanced servers will suffer.

So it makes perfect sense to keep the servers 100% local only because then the healthy realms will survive while the imbalanced realms will be the few who suffer their own self inflicted fate.


But that’s not the only issue is it? There’s people queuing off peak and there’s PVE and RP servers.

It’s not self-inflicted…

You can’t control people abandoning your server. You have no way of knowing what faction other players are rolling on the server on day 1. Later on you have no way of knowing what the faction balance is without checking third party sites before picking a server.

It makes no sense to put faction balance responsibility on the players, particularly when you give them no means to fix the problem without an enormous time investment (re-rolling) or paying you more money to move somewhere else.

Your logic is way off in general. You dismiss the massive positive benefit of CRBGs on the basis that it isn’t a perfect solution. That faction balance will still exist and queues will not be perfectly balanced. That’s absurd. It isn’t a binary thing where you either have a perfect balance or just throw up your hands and say to hell with it and do nothing about it. If CRBGs change the queue time of a faction from 1 hour to 5-10 minutes, that’s a huge improvement, even if the other faction’s queues are under a minute. There’s still an imbalance, but you’re still doing a lot better than you were.

No server transfers friend.

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Even if people aren’t transferring off of your server, some may simply stop playing on it.

You likely won’t have 50/50 faction balance on day 1 on most servers because there’s no meaningful coordination on how many are rolling on which faction of which server.

Then over time players will quit. If one faction starts to become dominant, the remaining players on the weaker faction are more likely to quit or re-roll on another server, making the balance progressively worse.

But they’re likely to quite roughly at the same rate; close enough that statistically it should not matter.

I doubt the people left after the down turn would cause those left to re-roll; maybe on an other server that’s actually populated, but this now becomes a Blizzard problem of moving populations in a careful way because at that point it’s the only way to save the server population.

Wait to have CRBGs until the server population dies down.

What causes long queue times then? PVPers tend towards Horde still?

You mean like… 21 months into the Classic experience when they release Naxx? Sold! :wink:

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One faction on your server is going to become the dominant faction. That’s a given. It always seems to happen, unless the server is like Emerald Dream and actively tries to keep it 50/50.

When it starts to slip to 60/40 then you see the lower faction get instant queue times and then the higher faction have the wait. With instant queues, the lower faction can employ queue dodging and dodge every single pre-made group out there because they get instant queues.

So if you’re a solo PVPer you’re going to be facing premades a lot if they queue dodge.

If we could chose, I would love to avoid the CRBGs. It just felt way more fun to encounter your nemesis and to be honest, I also had developed a small reputation on my server (The Alliance was talking about me on the forums, it felt good hehe).

Then again, I would not be against periodically events matching us out against other servers. Could be fun having premades going against premades of other servers, just for the competition. But yeah, otherwise, no CRBGs

Then perhaps lobby for blizzard to enable ways of seeing faction ratio up front, and to proactively prevent faction balance from becoming an issue. Faction imbalance, especially on PvP servers, causes issues that crbgs do not touch.

Blizzard hasn’t touched any of those things in the past. They’ve been pretty hands off for the most part in recent years. They tried in the past with free server transfers and it didn’t work.

We’re going to have servers that have imbalanced factions. It’s a given.

CRBG turns our unique realm with it’s own fascinating culture and conflicts into just another video game. I strongly hope Blizzard does not implement cross realm anything.

Besides, the realm forums were an excellent way to stir up interest in battleground play - a place to insult your rivals and to challenge them to settle differences there.


And how has that worked out?