#nochanges to PvP! Include CRBGs

By all means try. But you are going to hit a wall that wont lose. Unless you are apart of said group.

Look at rbgs right now. These been the same people on top since MoP. Prime example of you want stuff done, get the best and do work. This wont change in classic

If we get crbg or not doesnt affect or bother me at all. Just looking at the vast majority of “casuals” who is under the impression that server only bgs means some equal footing.

It doesnt. Will just give the dominate static premade groups an easier time farming.

cool concern troll about the ‘vast majority of casuals’, which as we all know, is the target audience of classic

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you know people have a strong argument when they’re splitting hairs over whether CRBGs is every realm or just a battlegroup

then misappropriating #nochanges to characterize a non-change as a change

gee, almost as if they’re just bad faith bs’ers who are trying to exhaust the opposition with high volumes of redundant/specious arguments while ignoring any other viewpoints

maybe people who think that CRBGs are a necessary solution to get queues to pop don’t really get the whole gestalt of classic, which is that community problems require community solutions. organize realm pvp nights, go out and foster wpvp to get people into pvp in general, i dunno; but don’t demand blizz make the same exact mistakes of the past to paper over the problem for you.


Right right but those same casuals will be the ones complaining about premades. It happened then its happening now on live and will continue to be a thing in vanilla but WORST if no crbg. Pugs will consistently get farmed.

Again, idc either way. I got my group but people have this fantasy that it wont be a thing

Disagree pugs will be more likely to defend premades without crbg then crbg.
Well CRBG weren’t in classic but battle groups were, but they weren’t in it at the same time.
So having no crbg is being faithful to its original design, and it shouldn’t really be added early to the game.

Hello Haters!