#NOCHANGES put the game on CD

I want this game shipped in Boxes with the original box art.
I want to miss out on an ingame pet because I did not know what a preorder was
I want the manual.
I want the midnight release party.
I want the guy at Gamestop to upsell me the BradyGames guide at the register and the $2 warranty.
I want to have to go home and download the game onto my PC with multiple disks.



Oh cool you’re back to trolling.


I don’t see it that way. I see someone with a sense of humor. You might want to lighten up.


No I am serious, I would love to see a midnight launch party and the game in a box again…

In fact WoWhead should bring back ThottBot for Classic.


Yeah, I remember those times. Gamestop at midnight in line with a bunch of geeks all twitterpated about the game. A lot fun and good time. Don’t see much of that anymore.


I miss those days too. I remember when the boxes were like dictionaries filled with goodies, then they became paperback novel size with CDs then DVDs, then online cards…now it’s just cloud.

Yea. No. Bring on the download a week before launch. I’l sleep all day and wake up for the midnight launch when the servers go live. In my house slippers I’l log on with a huge cup of coffee and an empty 2 liter bottle.
You can go hang out at gamestop’s if you’d like to waste leveling time driving back home and installing the game. /shrug
I want to be installed and trying to log in the nano second the servers are live!


If you ever played a FPS Halo 2/3 launch was just pure magic my man, i just feel bad for all the gamers of the modern era will never understand or see it again.


Dude my pc doesn’t even have a CD-reader…


Sorry bud, can’t go back in time, as much as we’d all love to.

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I’ll take the free choice

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I have a BlueRay burner…those are cheap now. I remember having a CD burner back in the day. It was an external unit and cost me $600

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:^) haw haw

He’s right, everyone who say’s no changes always meant it was 1.1-1.12? If it happens between those timelines it wasn’t a change i think some one made a graph of it too. Fateweave or something? But this is something we actually disused on the old forums WAy back when.

tfw I would need to buy a cd drive, tfw I would still enjoy the experience.

just a midnight and collectors edition would be hype tbh

I honestly would not mind a physical copy of the game. Wish we could get more of that today.

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Yes yes. We all see what you’re doing. You want some of the more current aspects of WoW to be included in WoW Classic by making an argument for QoL improvements.

Yes, we know going from physical to digital releases are better and far more convenient. Also it doesn’t hurt Blizz to save the money on physical production costs.

So yes, things like keeping the current report system in WoW and giving it to Classic is good, but also it could do without the auto-squelch.

Things like the ability to changes between classic and modern graphics. This so far is one thing I’m still learning to accept but is probably something you feel is really stupid.

Or the fact that people still want LFR/LFG. Why? No clue!

Or those who want to keep flying mounts for some reason. Et cetera.

There’s hundreds of cases to be made for things, good things, to be put into Classic which weren’t added to the game until far after Vanilla that doesn’t jive right with those who keep saying 'NO CHANGES" all the damn time.

Some quality of life improvements are good. Just not all. We get it.

You know looking back on it, it’s sorta funny. I remember hearing about Red dead 2, and i loved the first two Revovler and redi 1, so when i heard they’re making a second it was great, every few month’s i’d do a quick google search and so on about info.

Then the game launched, and i sorta… Just forgot about it for a bit, maybe a month or so and i turned on my Xbone, and was like “WOAH THIS IS OUT?!” I was getting ready to go to the store and everything, then i was like wait, I can just buy it online. So i did, and just went to do something else instead forgot it even finished download for a day.

It… It was just different, you know? I don’t get hyped for games or anything like that, but i remember buying a game at the store, talkin to the guy for a bit, and so happy to get home and put that puppy on. Even when… I think it was Pokemon X? came out, I was few months late for the whole “ITS OUT WOOOHOO” so i went to my game store bought it, and the guy was like “Oh dude, yea X has this and y Has that, thank god you bought X cus folk where crazy about Y” and you know we had a little conversation about it, and it just felt so traditional about buying games for me. Not talking to the dude, but just walking into the store and all that. Times change i suppose.

I think, those little extra things just made the whole game itself a little more memorable, I mean Red dead 2 is great and anyone who hasn’t tried it, should consider it if you’re looking into a good story mode Third person shooter, but I do think going the little extra mile and buying a physical copy of it would of made it, at least for me feel a little more memorable.

That’s just my two cents, i could just be a weirdo lol.

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heh. you still dont realize youre not right huh?

ignorance must be bliss i guess.

Only the most devout private server enthusiasts, the ones who just spent years on those stolen properties, would vote #nochanges.

They’ve deluded themselves into thinking those trash servers are authentic examples of Blizzards Vanilla WoW. So many changes are needed.

I think most their servers will disappear with Classic or become ghostowns. That frightens them so they come here and open complaint threads lol.