#NOCHANGES put the game on CD

The smart ones are evolving into BC servers.

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Are you angry?

Me BIG Angry

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The PC I built last year doesn’t even have a CD/DVD ROM.

I don’t think I have used an optical drive for anything but music in over a decade.


I don’t have a CD/DVD drive in my computer either and I don’t miss it. I did buy a cheap peripheral one so I can burn old music CDs if I need to, but that was nothing.

I didn’t start in vanilla, it was Wrath, but you did still have to use disks to install the game then.

At what patch do #nochangers hitch their wagons?

Because there are SO many things that were changed, during Vanilla, that I never see them asking for.

Having been reading stuff the last couple days it looks like what the nochanges folk mostly -not all- mean is “Make Classic as similar to my Private Server as you can, Blizz.”


They didn’t, all of them selfishly want the patch that they want. Many of them ironically are calling for things that never existed in Vanilla to be combined into some sort of Frankenpatch called Classic, while shouting the #nochanges battle cry. They want to have it both ways. I am pointing their illogic out to them and they call me a Troll… I don’t care what version, patch or amalgamation we get, it will be better than retail.

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They didn’t, all of them selfishly want the patch that they want. Many of them ironically are calling for things that never existed in Vanilla to be combined into some sort of Frankenpatch called Classic, while shouting the #nochanges battle cry. They want to have it both ways. I am pointing their illogic out to them and they call me a Troll… I don’t care what version, patch or amalgamation we get, it will be better than retail.

Agreed and gotcha.

You aren’t a troll man. Disagreeing with someone , using logic, doesn’t make you a troll.

They actually are bringing back thottbot

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For realsies?

Oh I know I am not, but they use ad’homs to round out their illogical thought process.

Could do! I have a USB CD drive purchased specifically to install QuickBooks. (For some reason in this day and age, has no online installer)

With the increase in texture resolution, i think we’ll be getting 6-8 CDs in the box this time instead of the authentic 4 !

ah, the P2P patch updates

They will disappear because they will get sent a Cease and Desist from Blizzard, because they are protecting their copyrighted and licensed (and currently available) product.

What a nice trip down memory lane. I remember when that stuff existed.

I can’t wait till the launch makes me 14 years younger. That will be the best part!


I’m in. I agree. Let’s do this.

When Classic was announced, that winter for Christmas I got myself every Bradygames book ever published about WoW. I have all the main strategy guides, along with the Atlas collection, and the dungeon companions. They look great on my shelf. I got them all used (all were in solid condition, however), for less than 5 bucks a pop.

You miss the HL2 launch? Unreal.

I got the main and the dungeon guide

I kinda miss the fact that our professors had to cancel most classes on campus because so many people missed class to play Halo 2.

I also remember one of my friends getting ahold of the French version that leaked and we all huddled around his TV watching him play the story while none of us could understand what they were saying.