#nochanges = NOSTREAMS

How about instead you have small teams of people who specifically do 1 thing: Target streamers and kill them.

My butt hurt detector is off the charts… but srsly they literally show you what server they are playing on. Just check where they are all playing and avoid those servers, easy?

Also don’t be surprised when paid carries are still a thing even on non-streamer servers.

Tbh I agree with you. Apparently a lot of people think they are reaching some group of people on twitch who are unaware of classic. Streamers will never be banned though.

Y’know you don’t need to be streaming to ninja loot or mess with the Need/Greed system, right? People have been doing it since 2004.

The invention of Twitch is not going to change this.


You’re seriously still surprised by people’s general lack of intelligence?

Yeah. All that happens regardless of whether or not people stream.

More irrational streamer hatred. There’s no shortage of it, apparently.

Streams are not part of the game and not a change to the game, therefore are not considerations of #nochanges.

Nice try, though.

Considering the technology available today, there are even more chances we’ll get epic loot ninja and Onyx raid videos out of Classic than we did Vanilla.

I’m all for the streaming!

Hey while you’re at it, could you please tell the RIAA to disallow ripping CD’s in the ToS, and then start a petition to have the MPAA tell everyone that digital movies are not okay. Only physical media allowed.

Are you under the impression that the moment someone starts up OBS or XSplit and hits that “start stream” button, that their brain and personality morphs in a stream preset?

Anyone can stream, they are normal people.

  • People insult each other in every game regardless if they are streaming.
  • Vanilla WoW is NOT retail. Do your homework. The armor type had no reflect on who gets priority 90% of the time.

If you look a things such as [Truestrike Shoulders], these LEATHER shoulders are preraid BIS for leather, mail, and plate wearers. We don’t give priority to rogue just because.

There are instances where people will ninja loot something out of greed; however, this is not associated with streamers, this is just a regular player problem that happens. Blacklist them and move on.

  • If anything, streamers are bringing more eyes to what a great game this is. For the first time in several years World of Warcraft has been the highest viewed game on twitch simply because of classic wow beta streamers.

I’m of the opinion these people are pissed because streamers basically make money playing video games.

I wish I could be a profitable streamer (cos making money doing something I enjoy is my goal in life, a goal that’s pretty much impossible to accomplish these days) but I don’t have the best Internet, or a face/voice for it.


Honestly I’d like a variant of that.

If you’re going to release it on digital, you must also release it on a physical disc.

I like having a hard copy of things I bought lol

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Get a huge flash drive and stick it on that.

Okay well. You’re right, IMO. I’m also the guy that doesn’t trust spotify/amazon/iTunes to keep my “digital purchases” safe. I usually make my own backups though. :smiley: :smiley:

No one is asking to bring back the original experience, of course that can’t happen.

What some of us would like is a few servers set aside where streamers and their fans can’t disrupt the server in negative ways. Sure you can say “just don’t roll on servers where the big streamers are”. But they could transfer to your server, or a new streamer could get big on your server.

It’s about giving choices. If they set aside a few servers, people can choose whether they want to play with streamers or not. I’m not trying to take your choice of playing with a streamer away from you, I’d just like the choice of not playing with one.

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Streamers can also have a positive impact on the community as well, dude. Probably more positive than negative.

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Can you imagine if someone had been able to stream that legendary pally vs shammy fight in Silithus that lasted for hours…? That would have been incredibly good press for the game back then.

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Instead the best press the game ever got was Leeroy Jenkins.

That was still some damn good press though.



gives more WPvP.

But see the beauty of classic is that if people actually act like that, they’ll get blacklisted by the community. There were always ‘celebrities’ on every server that got away with dumb stuff.