#nochanges = NOSTREAMS

YouTube wasnt live, therefor not as disruptive and Changes to ToS isn’t a game change. ToS is in place to prevent people from destroying the game.

Well if streamers as Asmonoob keep going like they are (All of them !) we won’t have a game.

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just don’t play on a streamer server? Streamers are free advertising for Blizzard.

Irrelevant. They’re not going to ban streaming for the same reason that they’re not going to ban all addons:

We might have evolved our technologies and methods for handling things, but those original methods were accepted practices in the game in the past. Not to mention the headache it would cause to try to actually enforce those rules against an angry player base.

That you believe it would destroy the game is an opinion. One that many do not share. One that, in fact, could prove to be a detriment to the game itself. Streamers create videos that people watch, and they help keep the hype and community engaged.

They may not always behave in ways that we like (such as raid run carries), but they rarely do anything that the rest of us aren’t doing. If you think that raid run carries didn’t happen in Vanilla, you’re absolutely wrong.

Nah they are not reaching some magical untapped market. They just capture % of the already existing player base, who are already aware of Classic.

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Look mate, what you are arguing for will never happen. not in a million years. They will not try to enforce a stupid rule like “no streaming” because it would be almost entirely unenforceable and actively piss off a large portion of people ready to play the game. Newsflash, people watch streamers because people like streamers. If they even tried, it would turn into the biggest PR disaster they have ever faced, I garuntee it.


You’re just plain wrong and you keep repeating this. Sodapoppin, who is one of the most popular twitch streamers, has been primarily streaming non-wow related things the past few years.

His viewership is not mostly wow viewers. A large chunk of people who never played vanilla (or who played, but didn’t realize classic was a thing) are watching and wanting to play now.

Over hyping is something you do when your product is crap and you want people it buy it before they find out its crap. As far as banning add ons, people complain retail is too easy yet they run 20 or more add ons to make it that way. Some people cant even manage bag space without an add on.


This again? So if streams bring in so many people why have WoW subs which peaked at just over 12 mil in 2008 been declining? Its not for a lack of streaming there are always several 100 WoW stream up at all times yet retail hasn’t seen any growth since 2008. Infact last reported sub count was under 5 mil during MoP.

Probably because people burn out on activities, the game has had many problems over the years, and it’s been around a long time.

Streamers might generate awareness and excitement, but they can’t make people who aren’t interested stick around or show up.

One can make the argument that the game’s declining quality did that and streamers helped to keep it from going down even faster than it did.

Streamers bringing in new players does not mean “The number of new players brought by streamers outnumbers literally any possible loss of players you can imagine”.

They bring new players. They don’t bring infinite numbers of them, nor do they keep people playing if the game has become bad.

i wish i could get this high


But that’s the narrative. They are “influencers” and they “bring people to the game”. So people leave where are the new players that these streamers bring in?

so… literally what people did during the original release?

you’ll never win this fight, seriously, and “banning streaming” in the ToS is literally impossible to enforce. it’s just as easy as, “don’t roll on Asmongold/Sodapoppin’s server” and you avoid 90% of the issue you’re asking about.

And huge chances are Asmon/Soda will roll on the same PVE server since they are opposite factions. It’s not going to be an issue. Stop the tears against streamers. Stop being salty because of FOMO.

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They started playing the game.

Do you think that streamers can alone account for a 7+ million loss in playercount, and that if they don’t that means they have absolutely zero effect on getting new players into the game?

People streaming classic has nothing to do with changing anything… Fraps was a thing in vanilla. Look it up.

Saying “salty” isn’t an argument, that is just your typical millennial insult you turn to when you are overwhelmed by facts.

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You’re trolling. You have no facts. You are full on FOMO mode, like all the streamer whiners.

I gave actual sub numbers and dates and your response to those facts is “salty”.

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