#nochange calls them loladins


now it’s a healer tax ?

Just showed my wife this ( who mained a priest for 6 years, and is doing so again ), I can’t and won’t repeat what she said about this, but suffice to say you’re so far off target it’s hilarious.

Ima just leave it to you. Enjoy your loladin.

Yeah, there u go. If thats true it proves my point. I mean its nonsense imo to apply those things from back in the day.

The problem is that a few servews, mainly westfall, herod and such are devolving into pserver and 2005 mentality at later levels.

sheit like this kills raiding enviroment fast.

Yeah that wuld suck, but theres a lot of ppl playing. Im sure it will be fine.

This was always a pet peeve for me with RET focused paladins. They pick up the strongest healer the strongest support class and they say ME GO FACE fine whatever you do you but this constant whining about how people see you as a meme is what gets my goat.

You will still be taken but this push for buffs to a class that is already very powerful in both PvE and PvP just adds to the whole LOL RET meme

rextroy discovered that TBC Belf Sealtwisting works in classic
something that existed in vanilla but no one ever cared about it

and those with good memory remembers that Sealtwisting is what made them OP in TBC

Well, that’s pretty sad.

So you have nothing constructive to say, so you think that your wife would have something to add.


So tell me, if it isn’t healing tax, which of the healing classes does top dps in raids.

Should I wait awhile so you can ask your wife?

Bro, just become a semi-famous streamer and they’ll have to let you Retadin.

On top of this I posted a quote straight from Blizzard admitting it was because of “unique and powerful buffs” and not a hybrid tax.

Warriors having the DPS they did while healers all did rubbish amounts was not actually a mistake, and it was not a hybrid tax. Ghostcrawler flat out admitted this when talking about Vanilla/TBC design. It was basically a healer/buff tax.

but apparently that post only applies when it’s saying what Longburn wants it to say =P


It’s just total coincidence to him that all the classes that can heal have the most powerful buffs.

He talks about priests, but they were only allowed to dps for buffing warlock damage, not because of their own dps ability.

But his wife was a priest, so everyone else is wrong.

It always worked.

The problem is you could burn mana fishing for procs. You could always downrank SoC as all ranks have the same damage proc, but then you’d have to cast your higher rank for judging.

Also, SotC sucks so its almost better just to spam rank 1 SoC for procs instead.

Ive played MMORPGs for 18 years and since before WoW even popularized the genre terms were already coined. A hybrid is any class that can fulfill more than one role in the holy trinity of tank, dps, and healing. By these standards, a warrior is more of a hybrid than a Paladin, because a Paladin isnt used for anything except healing

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I do think there is a way around this but it would require too many changes people wouldn’t like. An option would be like shadow form for classes that want to sacrifice their utility in order to specialize. If paladins want to sacrifice their healing potential for DPS they should have the option.

the best and keeping in check with vanillla is increasing the paladin’s damage and proc chance with SoC and SoR using Int Calc.

the more Int you have the higher the holy damage is and the higher the % of triggering SoC procs.
a full Lawbringer can trigger SoC all times if not twice, and have a higher bonus damage with SoR and JoR with faster weapons.

the calc exists in vanilla.

Because the goal of classic isn’t to change things.

Yeah, the reason was they where wanted only for the Blessings … and while doing that they could xheal the raid. Sad but thats how i remember it.

I do not hate the BfA Classes for the reason that all DPS do damage … i hate them because instead Balancing … Blizzard keeps trying to reinvent the Classes … when they where fine gameplay wise. And the reinvention … is not fun.
But yeah, you more then probably are right. The Blizzard we have right now, better leave stuff as it was. Especially Ian sucks at Balancing and knowing whats fun

First off, you are rude.
Second did you just assume i only played Mage and have no clue about other Classes abilities?

No its not my fault, if no one back in Vanilla played Protection Paladin. I played a Druid, Warlock and Hunter in Vanilla.

As for, what a Protection Paladin can and can’t do … i know their AoE Thread was good … but i also know from a Stratholme Timed Run Undead Quarter … they drink allot more then i do as Druid Heal. A issue which was addressed in BC.

You can keep your instructions on how to DPS in Classic to yourself … i Played Vanilla since release, did run Dungeons and Raids on my Druid, Warlock and Hunter.

I didn’t state that I had a problem with Paladin Tanks … i said i just never saw one successfully Tank a Dungeon/Raid which he needed gear from.
The one tome i saw a Paladin Tank … he worn T2 stuff in Stratholme Undead quarter.

So no, I was not the problem … the problem was no one i saw back on my Realm played as Paladin Tank.
Also, i didn’t really enjoy your rude tone. Writing as if you are a know-it-all … to somebody you totally don’t know. Assuming, accusing and blaming…

I think too many people turn to damage as a way to justify a spot, I kind of wish Blizzard had leaned more into the support role. I always imagined something like this. If rogues and warriors do 100 dps for the sake of numbers and lets say a Ret/Enhance/etc. do 75 dps, for obvious reasons you would take another warrior or rogue. But if that hybrid was able to enhance the damage the group put out some way, like WF totem, and add 25 dps to everyone’s output including their own, that’s 600 dps from that group. In this way you maintain the hybrid tax but also justify the spot.

It’s a moot point now but a little creative thinking would have gone a long way back in the day.

Like some people say in here: play as a ret pally, find yourself a chill guild and eventually someone will take you in as a ret pally. Protection pallies often faced mana issues because if I recall correctly there was little to none spell-orientated plate gear - which is what pallies need. Often times they’d have to fill in with mail or cloth items and don on that mace and shield, along with buff + potion stacking to buff up their physical side too. A lot would go into a prot pally.

When I rolled shaman I sort of accepted the fact I’d be playing the support role for totems.

and I’m fully waiting for the love that warriors will get with a windfury totem (as per people in my guild where I’m like 1 of 4 shammies lol)

Many people actually gquit any guild that let meme specs raid. You might find a casual guild who is never going to clear bwl or even rag but any serious guild is going to ask you to put on the dress and spam heals or else you get the boot. Roll something else if you can’t handle that.