#nochange calls them loladins

Yurrr madd. Just the way it’s always been. Here’s your dress. Now heal.

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Warriors being as ahead as they are wasn’t actually something they intended to happen for raid DPS, and only really happened late AQ / Naxx. Which is why they were promptly kicked in the face when BC launched and relegated to mostly tanks all over again for many guilds when pures outdid them.

There’s little point in trying to make sense of why vanilla went the way it did, and there’s no way they’re changing it now. Regardless of whether it makes sense to or not.

Be stubborn. I’d rather fellate a gun than endure the brain-rotting boredom of healadin. Who gives a flying rat’s rear if something’s good if it isn’t fun? Slaves and their masters, that’s who.

Imagine being so mentally weak that you let other people, likely those who you don’t even know and who don’t care to know you, decide how you play your game. Don’t be one of those; be an adult. À rebours.

Classic is a social game, and a big part of socializing is knowing when to tell people to screw off. You must rid the chaff from the wheat: avoid those you don’t like so you can find those you do, otherwise you’ll just be everyone’s tool.

Yup. When people are saying “unviable”, they’re really saying they they can’t compete in the pseudo-pvp that is “who is highest on the DPS meters?”

“Meters meters meters” trash arguments made by trash players who fail to understand context behind that array of colorful bars they’re seeing. It’s easy to defeat that argument with things like salvation: a significant reason why Alliance can kill bosses so quickly. Meters will show all that DPS as belonging to the warrior or what have you, but because it would never be possible without salvation, it can more logically be attributed to the paladin putting it on them.

It is amusing just how few WoW players have a grasp of critical thinking, and would rather be a copy/paste NPC without understanding the why’s and how’s. They don’t love the game because they don’t even understand it; they just love being overpowered.

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I tanked dungeons from 30 all the way to 60 and healed them too, I can say pallies are the best dungeon tanks in classic after the demo shout fix.


I can no longer find the original Ghostcrawler post but if you scroll down a bit in this thread it’s shown in one of the posts.

Blizzard definition of hybrid TLDR:

Hybrid = can respec to fulfill a different role (damage, tanking, or healing).
Hybrid != can fill multiple roles at the same time.
Hybrid != has awesome, amazing buffs or utility.
Hybrid != pure. Beyond that, there are no shades of gray among hybrids.

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It’s warriors and mages game but that’s ok, it’s the world we’ve chosen to live in.


This is really only true if your entire world is the top of the DPS meter.

At least on my server Warlocks are wanted in spelllceave groups, and everybody is pretty much accepted as DPS in normal dungeon runs(I’ve run several as Shadow myself).

Tanks are in such demand that quite a few groups just take the first person willing to tank that is Paladin, Druid, or Warrior.

TY fellow forum user, linking and posting this here details exactly why pally’s are pally’s, and priests / warriors are not hybrids.

I forgot to thank you for this one, it made me laugh heartily today :smiley:

ow please you really only need about 30 people that know what they are doing with some decent dungeon blues to clear mc no ret or boomkin or spriest needs some top tier guild to carrie them there

I hate to break it to you, but Ghostcrawler’s full post calls Priests hybrids too:

“In our design, having two healing trees (priest) or half a tanking tree (druid) or three dps trees (DK) does not put these classes in different categories of hybridness. A hybrid is a hybrid.”

Which, by that logic, Warriors are also hybrids(though he does admit that their DPS being better than the healing classes isn’t a mistake).

Because a hybrid is a hybrid and there are not different categories of hybridness =P

He also detail this some years after Vanilla, hence the reference to DK’s, which at this point we were well into the homogenization of classes process.

This is Classic, a recreation of Vanilla. It’s not an expansion added version nor will it be anytime soon.

In Vanilla, and now in Classic, Classes have defined roles, strengths and weaknesses. It’s ok to not like those Classes as they are, pick another one.

There is next to zero support for any of these “retune my fav class” threads and for good reason. It’s Classic, not Refail.

Reasons to roll a Paladin

If you like to heal PVE/PVP

If you like to tank AOE PVE Dungeons with moderate water brakes

If you like to dps in PVE/PVP
WHILE supporting others with utility, like Blessing of Protection or Blessing of Freedom, Judgement of Light or Wisdom (Gotta make that your selling point!)

If you like to make enemies have a hard time capping flags in BG; eg. Consecrate a flag, fight to you last shred of hp and mana, lay-on hands yourself, bubble battle for 12 secs, etc to stall long enough for friends to come back!

Because Paladins are Hybrid Classic, for use to be useful, we need to be able to do two roles at once’s at all times. You can get into raids as Ret, it was common enough near the end of Vanilla.

you can tank 5 man no problem , not raid since you can’t taunt.

people cleared MC in green and with some people not even lvl 60…i’m sure 1-2 ret pal won’t hurt the raid :wink:

Raid bosses are falling over. It will be fine. Im leveling a ret at 42 right now and no one has rejected me outight for being ret. Pbbly coz theres not enough ppl for Uldaman right now. Same will be for raids. Getting 40 ppl to show up will be hard as it is. Rets will get a spot. Everyone who is obsessed with having a certain set of classes/specs only lives in the 2005 era of clicking and when players sucked compared to now and u pbbly dont wonna play with them anyway.

Easily. Observe:

No changes.

Because its Vanilla/Classic, not TBC.


I agree that It’s a recreation of Vanilla. No changes is no changes, even when it doesn’t benefit the class I choose to play full well knowing going in what my 3 talent trees were going to be like.

My point is more that this whole “Warriors aren’t hybrids” thing is nonsense even according to Blizzard which calls them hybrids. In fact, according to Ghostcrawler it wasn’t even the “hybrid tax” that meant healer’s damage output was supposed to be rubbish:

It was the fact that those classes brought a lot of “unique and powerful buffs” to the table, not their hybridness, that meant their DPS was balanced to be lower.

Let me guess?
You play Morrowind or NWN1 with no mods and patches because your mentally damaged brain thinks that updates and mods isn’t what the “Devs Wanted”

A brazillian Guild cleared MC with rets

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Let me clarify it for you since you obviously don’t know.

There isn’t a hybrid tax.

There is a healer tax.

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