I killed a level 55 mage and 38 warrior in a 2v1 on my 46 ret pally. If you know what you are doing anything is viable.
Which i would like. Vanilla was like Classic is right now, thats why i wasn’t getting all the hype Classic received.
What would be best is to add that select Specialisation like in Cataclysm, and then balance such Classes like Paladin, Shaman and Druid so they are what they Specialized in.
But of course that would not be #nochanges.
But … thats why i would never touch a Paladin, a Shaman or Druid in Classic. Ever.
People are clearing MC and Oni in greens, not completely full raid groups, and with not everyone at 60, its pretty clear that all the min maxing and excluding of classes is not necessary. Besides, someone has to use nightfall with seal of the crusader up.
Also you have to consider the reason for Min Maxxing back in 04.
People were terribad and needed a PERFECT raid composition and buff selection in order to “win” and beat DPS race bosses.
I think today, with a higher skill level, people could have a Ret Pally in a raid and not wipe because of it.
You only had about 6 months to research which specs are wanted in raids.
Well yeah, because Ret and Prot Paladins are hilariously bad. Ret is a worse Warrior in every single way, and Prot is a worse Warrior in every single way. The only thing Rets do better than Warriors is buff people and heal, and they’re damn good at that.
So put on your dress and get used to seeing green numbers.
While there is an argument for specs being better and worse at different parts of the game, the primary reason for #nochanges is simply that people don’t trust Blizzard to tune anything, because Blizzard’s decisions produced retail.
Better to just leave the game as it is, flaws and all.
You are correct, mages do have great utility.
Although I would argue that water and ports kind of differ from what I view as combat raid utility (which is what I believe OP is addressing with the damage of paladins)…I am thinking more along the lines of healing, mitigation, immunity from damage or CC (I know Frost tree has this, but that’s a choice you make to get that extra ice block and armor).
Either way–I think giving Paladins a damage increase could potentially make unbalanced in PvP.
Still, you have a good point.
if you want to dps don’t roll paladin lol.
you probably won’t be allowed to stormstrike though ?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again
“Classic is way to easy!”
Proceeds to invite only the most optimized classes/specs, performs gear checks, uses deadly boss mods, requires all world buffs before raid starts
Classic would be so much more fun if people would just PLAY the game.
pre-60 there may be times, particularly with a high top-end weapon, when you’re able to outdps other classes assuming equal player skill, however with a standard ret build this is simply not going to be the case at 60, the math has been done and redone.
So basically 98% of the game?
<---- retail is that way
In classic you learn to play the game, not demand the game plays to you. If you want to dps, level a dps. If you want to play a paladin and get in a competitive guild learn to heal.
Its that simple.
I think its actually more rpg like to force classes into roles than to have a generic bland “can do it all” role design.
In BC I would have loved to shadow dpsed, but I got over it and went holy to raid.
And they shouldn’t. In retail some classes get it all, druids and pallys can tank/heal/dps as well and sometime better than a pure dps class. There is literally no advantage to playing a pure class other than for the class fantasy.
As flawed as you think Vanilla is, it actually MAKES SENSE.
Heal the raid… get gear… then Pvp as a shockadin
There were plenty of paladin tanks doing 5-mans in Vanilla.
Yeah. Hmm. With most classes, I think a fair-minded guild/raid leader would allow you to get away with almost anything these days… except Ret Paladin. By all accounts, it’s just an absolute stinker.
But I can’t see why a tankadin wouldn’t be possible with a tolerant guild/raid leader. As good as anyone at aoe off-tanking, I think.
“They” = a subset of the player base that demands min/maxing. Join one of the many guilds that simply does not care about Min/Maxing, being ahead of the curve, or whatever.
To be clear, there is nothing wrong with min/maxing and requiring optimal specs and such. But there’s nothing wrong with doing the opposite either. Find those that fit your style.
Oh, hell no.