No. This is how we ended up with the gaggle of unbalanced classes we have now in retail. No. No. No. Blizzard is incapable of making small changes anyway. Everyone with half a brain knows they would over buff paladins and the game would suck. No. No. No. No. No. No. Nnnnnnnno!
I feel ya but classicist loved it best when there were segeration and a sense of exclusion. That by rolling as a pure class they are by defualt better than the three hybrids.
Its a sense of superiority that you cant get in retail anymore.
“Oh hey ret guy!” Says the warrior wearing hand of sulfaras while his mage and priest friend snickered in the back ground.
“Having fun? I am glad you got your new HEALING weapon. That should keep me alive a lot longer this time.”
As rouge and hunter now snicker. While druid and shaman ball their fist at the bullying. Warrior sling his arm around ret shoulder and lean in to whispered.
“Enjoy fighting for my second hand trash.”
And thats what it was like in classic. Sorry but thats what most people wants. Exclusitvy and exclusion from content. You can have it when they no longer take it as seriously of course.
The thing that rears its ugly head in these situations is META, as designated by the playerbase in general.
Most Efficient Tactic Available (or whichever version for this abbreviation soup you prefer).
All specs for all classes can work fine in a raid, for all classes (well, maybe fire mage not so much in the Molten Core). Just some specs work better than others, and some work best in specific combinations with other classes. Most raid leaders try to build the most efficient team, so this limits which specs are feasible to fill in the slots when players want only the most effiecient of raid groups assembled.
Seriously, the game was beat by 60’s in greens that had a lot of practice in knowing the fights. A well geared character should be able to succeed just as well, no matter the spec the player is using (given the most basic group composition).
If anything, it’s not the game (besides those poor fire mages!) that is limiting which classes can go raid. It’s the players assembling the raids themselves that are creating the problem.
I have a Paladin tank in my guild I run, and he tanks them just fine. He is actually pretty impressive with not having taunt and all. So it’s very possible.
NO CHANGES! Classes have seperate roles. They are distinct and immersive. RETAIL IS NOT AND DOES NOT. I dont want healing melee in plates doing as much damage as a freaking Warrior. I dont want a warrior healing himself for so much that he ends up in the top 5 in a BG, in heals! I dont want class hemogenization. Retail sucks because of this and other serious issues with balance. No. No. No. No.
You can dps as a pally, shut the hell up and join a non elitist guild.
Also vanilla raiding isnt about your own personal glory.
In my guild pallies farm their ret, prot, and heal set.
So they can do all three on the fly.
Guess what, you can even heal classic raids as ret as long as you have a healing set on hand… All this whining from players who haven’t even hit max lvl yet really gets on my nerves.
Stop basing your gameplay around what idiots on reddit say and play the damn game for yourself.
Right now a streamer is calling for 3 Paladins for a MC raid, can be Ret, holding spots for them over other classes who want to join. So yeah you can raid as a DPS Paladin, just get in a decent guild.
This would simply homogenize all the classes like we have now in retail. The classes are the #1 most hated thing abut current/BFA WoW, and that’s what you want to make Classic? Just stick around until TBC, Wrath, etc. come out. With 4 million + players, they’re not letting this cash cow go away anytime soon.
No-one cares what you want or don’t want. It’s Classic. It is as Vanilla was, warts and all. Good grief, I know you have grown up in a world that hands out trophies just for turning up and takes tantrums seriously, but this is not your personal playground. It is as it is, which is what it was.