Nobody wants to do group or dungeon quests any more

…while leveling up. It’s all “no-kill incursion loops” where people don’t bother to help you if you fall behind so you’re simply praying that you don’t get dazed and dismounted and killed.

Seriously, they need to boost elite and dungeon quest xp to the point that they’re irresistible. Maybe do something like party sync from retail so that people helping you can get some xp (but none of the other rewards) even if they don’t have the quest themselves. I’m sick of not being able to finish my quests.


Efficiency is king and always has been.

The classic playerbase boasts of community, but seems to be anti-community when it comes down to it… :person_shrugging:


Incursions killed the classic in classic wow, but it did give me fresh world pvp


I mean, you’re pretty late to the party. SoD definitely seems to be end-game-centric, and I’d be surprised if there is any effort made to change that.


There needs to be some incentive to make people want to do a variety of different quests to level up, not just doing the same repeatable ones over and over.


Maybe. That wouldn’t be my personal preference, but I have no doubt that it would be yours.


They’d have to dramatically increase the EXP gain for quests for that to change, the number crunchers will always push for the most efficient way of leveling… and unless the quests give more, it’s not gonna change.


Or, they could just make incursion’s more on par with other in-game activities in regards to XP amount earned. Obviously, this isn’t the playerbase we had when vanilla was live. People have had decades of WoW and have learned how to use and abuse its dated systems when it comes to classic versions. For the devs to add something new, that completely out-performs old content in terms of XP gain, gold earn, etc…obviously this playerbase is going to do that instead.

Here’s what not to do though. Any type of scaling. Keep it out. The moment they bring ANY type of scaling into classic I’m done. Scaling is literally the thing that made me quit retail… Like, literally quit and never look back. It’s lazy design.

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I don’t blame you one bit. Scaling is awful for feeling character power progression. Sure, it can be nice if you want to level in the same areas…

I kind of feel like some of the design decisions they make just go against the fundamental fabric of the game, and level scaling is one of them.

In SoD, they seem to be taking what was once a large, and alive world where the world was the content, and forcing people into instanced content instead, which is more-or-less the exact opposite of the reason to play Classic.

It doesn’t really make much sense to me, and it’s very unclear what sort of target audience they have in mind or what sort of culture they are aiming to cultivate, except maybe that they are very strongly catering to throwers in BGs, Raid Loggers, and somewhat to parsers.



People are tired of leveling after 2004 and 2019. It’s all about reaching the level cap asap now.


Incursions did kill classic questing. They should have enhanced the leveling experience in zones in addition to searching for runes. Instead they killed the leveling experience by making most zones obsolete. There is no reason to leave Incursions while leveling.


Even getting farmed by level 50s, incursions are still better xp per hour and more gold than regular questing


I mean, they’d have to scrap the current leveling process and reimagine everything to enhance the leveling experience, also it’d need to be quicker than current questing, dungeon spamming or incursions. People prize efficiency over the experience… it’s been proven or you gotta make the experience incredibly fun with a good and potentially interactive story, like SWTOR did.

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Even with incursions being drastically reduced due to levels they are better than questing, duskwood 25-36 is 5g+ per loop and a TON of experience and then at 36 its like maybe 12kish exp but thats still faster than you can expect to get questing. I left thinking oh hey ill go quest until 40 and it was AWFUL. I lost out on like 200g I could have made and it was slower.


They could have easily added new quest lines with rewards that are actual upgrades. A lot of sweaties did their dungeon spamming in P2, but there was still plenty of people to do group quests in the world well into the end of the phase. With the introduction of Nightmare Incursions in P3, both classic questing and dungeon spamming became obsolete. In my opinion, Nightmare Incursions should have been made a daily event in each zone that has an Emerald Dream portal. That would have enhanced classic leveling without making it obsolete.

Yeah, that requires actual development which Blizzard doesn’t want to do.


So they’re sweaties because they wanna level fast and don’t subscribe to the same thought process as you? :roll_eyes:

They’ve been pushing the most efficient route since vanilla, it’s always been about efficiency and the leveling process is the most tedious parts of the game. Are there going to be people doing the long quest grind? Always will be some… but a quest chain will never be enough to change things, the leveling process is still incredibly boring and slow… and quite frankly, I’m not against the incursions because they do get you to max level the quickest.

That we can always agree on.


Include the fact that you said “people prize efficiency over the experience” (an untrue statement you tried to apply to everyone), and you kinda have the definition of sweaty. Why get upset over that? :roll_eyes:

It’s a problem when the classic experiences are made obsolete. Why even play Classic if you don’t want some of that old time stuff you did several years ago?

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Incursions were the worst thing done so far in sod. I did them like virtually everyone because it was not really a choice if I wanted to get the most out of this phase. However they pretty much killed most classic farms where the reward is substantially less.


Not upset, just makes you look bad at the end of the day calling names because you don’t agree with their view on leveling and how they did it.

So you can’t like the style of play and loath the leveling process? You like every aspect of every game you play? I love the LOTR but I absolutely loath what they did to Gandalf when facing the witch king at Minas Tirith… does that mean I shouldn’t watch those movies anymore? You can enjoy something without enjoying every bit of it… plus this isn’t era, this is SoD changes are here for a reason.

They created a system that has the fastest leveling efficiency, the most gold generation, the least amount of travel time, a full set of near pre-raid BiS armor, gear having 0 affect on your efficiency, and all quest objectives are shared for the group.

Compare that to Dungeons - Require tank/healer/dps setups, coordination, slightly less exp, travel time, mana breaks, competition on soon-to-be irrelevant gear, reliance on gear for efficiency, quest drops are not shared and rarely does everyone finish in a single run. No pre-raid BiS waiting for you.

Compare to questing - Significant travel times, waiting for respawns, low drop rate on some quest items, most quest drops are not shared, less exp, slightly less gold but chance to find BoE’s (most are worthless), quest gear is mostly worthless, good efficiency requires trips to the AH for new gear upgrades (esp as melee), food/mana breaks. No pre-raid BiS waiting for you.

Dungeons and Quests need a significant overhaul to compete with the current incursion meta, it’s likely either no-kill exp will get nerfed, P4 brings out something that replace all 3, or simply no significant change for this aspect in SoD.