Nobody wants to do group or dungeon quests any more

i agree no kill loops are garbage and need to get another round of nerfs. full runs are fun, no kill makes me not even wanna start leveling another alt despite how easy it is.

if that doesnt work put an hour timer on the no kill quests.


It’s possible to add new stuff without making everything else obsolete. There is no reason to throw everything about classic questing out the window because some new abilities, raids, and reputations were added to the game. Did we make old abilities obsolete by adding new ones? No, several of our old abilities are still used in rotations and in fact some lesser used abilities were made more prominent. Did we make old reputations obsolete because we added new ones? No, just look at the WSG reputation. Did we make old dungeons obsolete because of new raids? Not at all, several classes can get BiS items from ZF and Maraudon.

Nightmare Incursions should have been something that enhanced leveling in similar ways. Instead they made them completely obsolete. The “this is not era, it’s SoD” comments are getting stale.

People still have alts though, and there’s always either new folks joining or coming back from a break.

It’s not very good for the game to have something like incursions shrinking the world for all those people that aren’t max level yet.

If Blizzard just wants them to hit max level faster, then increase the XP buff. But don’t add something that pulls the player base into only a few zones because it’s that good.


Questing and grouping out in the world, has ALWAYS been obsolete to the dungeon grind, so there is plenty of reason for them to add new way to level and faster… because not everyone enjoys a slow methodical grind.

I actually really enjoy all the new additions/changes and for me personally, they made era playable… because I always felt it needed more, so they’re speaking to players like myself. I don’t wanna see SoD revert changes to make it more in-line with era… keep the playstyle and world but for me, I like change.

I will never agree with that, I like the fact that it speeds up the leveling process… unless they wanna fix the grind of questing, into something fun.

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Leveling journey has been terrible in SoD, so much of the old content became irrelevant.

Would have been nice to have more of a pre raid gearing instead of going from one raid straight into another… Disovery?? Hrmmm barely…

Would love to see their team expand as SoD has been a huge W, but neds some assistance.

Unless they have a sneaky huge team in BG working on classic+ then plz cont.

I mean, I feel it’s by far and away the best leveling experience I’ve had with classic.

Mostly due to the speed of it, we actually aren’t forced into a long drawn out quest grind.

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Sorry, i dont mean speed… i enjoy that too. I mean more how its not much of journey, its was a few hours of SM then a few of incursions… and not alot of discovering. Imo.

If they just added EXP to the quests to put them inline with the other leveling processes, people might do it again, even if it does have travel time. Still boring imho, but it’d make people quest again and you don’t need to find a group for it lol.

While I can imagine that for some perspectives this might seem true, I’m not sure that it’s an accurate statement. If you’re interested in my own personal opinions and preferences, well I commented about something similar in another thread:

SoD has a lot of catchup mechanics, and whether good or bad, the leveling journey is pretty short.

That’s exactly what they did.


They did. You may not be aware of it, but dungeon/elite quests are a GIGANTIC amount of exp.

The problem is that incursions kills 3 birds with one stone:
Fast exp
Fast gold
Reputation grind

That last one is important. You HAVE TO DO THEM FOR THE REP.

This is completely false. It was easy to find people to complete classic world group quests in P1 and P2 when people were doing the dungeon grind. With the introduction of Nightmare Incursions in P3 it has become exponentially harder to do classic world group quests.

Yeah, all of those changes didn’t destroy what exists in era. They enhanced them.

The XP buff was more than enough to speed up the leveling process. We are just going to have to agree to disagree.

On Crusader Strike horde it’s all quests and dungeons because the horde can’t go to Ashenvale.

LFD (not port to the instance) would solve that issue.

Oh no, people have a new, more efficient way of leveling up that can’t be ruined as easily by other players sucking or trolling instead of spamming the same dungeons they’ve been played since 2004.

You’d actually be surprised how terrible some of these groups are at running circles around a map.

Feels like I’m being trolled by blizzard with incursions, because they scream retail.

I think this covers it.

I’m pretty sure open world mobs are scaled to some degree. I mean theoretically we should be one shotting mobs our level given runes, gear, etc. But we aren’t.

I don’t know exactly why it is, but Phase 1 has been the only time I’ve wanted to log in and play.

Phase 2 and now Phase 3, all I do is hit the new level cap and immediately being raid logging. I have no desire to actually log in and play on a daily basis beyond the first week or two of a new phase.

I don’t think you’re particularly alone in this sentiment. If I were to guess, I’d look at some of the differences of obtaining gear, and areas in the world of focus.

In Phase 1 there was still BiS in many leveling dungeons and as quest rewards. People were farming SFK, WC and even Deadmines… while many people complained about the Grizzby runes, it was also something that led to a pretty interesting farm in Stonetalon Mountains, where you could fill several hours killing mobs to farm items, while engaging in random WPVP skirmishes that would break out sporadically, and also have a nearby vendor to check for the chance of Elite Shoulders.

The world seemed big, we traveled all over and had to hoof it, there were dangers and we would die (often) in contested areas, and things were also simple. Toolkits, PVP (yes everyone complained about hunter pets, but it was also easy enough for everyone to just roll a hunter).

The catchup mechanics, and very easily obtainable items from STV Bloodmoon, AFK-able honor/rep, and weekly raid lockouts lead to pushing players faster and faster to just focus on the main event which seems to be spending an hour or so parsing in a raid.

If you like that, then that’s great. If you don’t, there doesn’t really seem to be much on offer here.

Enjoy leveling, and the leveling journey? Well, SoD is probably not for you - have you considered Classic Era or HC?

Enjoy PVP? Well, SoD is probably not for you - have you considered - Wrath Classic doesn’t have a current season, so - Retail or another game?

I do feel like the devs took a world that was full of fun and things to do, and seem to be pushing people into instanced content, attempting to funnel everyone to max-level ASAP to just raid log and focus on parsing.

Again, if that’s something you like, then amazing! If not though, this really doesn’t seem to be the right version of the game. I’ve personally realized that this is not what I enjoy.


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25->34 duskwood incursions
34->37 do some quests
37->40 if you have ashenvale mount you can do regular incursions. Do this during prime time so there is less chance of dazed. If you do not have a mount you can try to get a lowbie group doing kill quests. Skip the dragon one its too hard.
If you cannot find a group you can still do regular quests to 40.
After 40 you can spam incursions but you can also run ZF at around 45-46