Nobody wants High Elves

Delete blood elves imo.


Uh, one elf faction to rule them all? Just the name “High Elf” suggests superiority over the other elf factions. My pea brained opinion would let so called High Elves go the way of the Romans relegated to the dustbins of history. Thats all.

Like even more borrowed power systems to mask how clunky and dull classes are?

Lol, good luck with that, OP.

Also, you probably should change the title for “I don’t want high elves”, or at least “Me and my friends…”

I think with all of the new customization’s being introduced, it opens up doors for new RPing opportunities. Also, just because there are those options available, it doesn’t mean that players are going to be forced to use them if they don’t want to.

80% of People do within the Community wants High Elves.

Your looking at him.

The high elf fanbase has infected an actually interesting race and ruined its potential. Void elves are called void elves because they are void. Now they’ve been turned into discount blood elves because of whining and crying. So much for any sort of interesting void related customization.

Nobody wants Elves, period.

How can there be a “High Elf craze” if “Nobody wants High Elves”? Obviously enough people DO want Alliance High Elves that Blizzard felt moved to answer the call for them.

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Well… technically speaking… according to Ion:

Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves… Void Elves are also pretty much another flavor of High Elves

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(Commentary): Unit Exacitor is interested in seeing how well this comment ages come the Allied Race customization passes.


Don’t know why people are obsessed with lesser Elves.

I’m going to guess at least half of the comments were from people who didn’t want alliance to have high elves.
But either way it’s too late now.

No High Elves please

Lmao, that’s one of the biggest bs lies I’ve seen in awhile. There’s been threads after threads for YEARS asking for high elves.

At this point it’s more about the principal. Void elves looking functionally like high elves is an acceptable fix as far as I am concerned but the problem was always that we were told we couldn’t have high elves for years despite numerous high elf NPC’s, an entire settlement being named after one, two previous games having playable high elves for the alliance / human faction, and two expansions having a high elf faction be critical to the game lore because high elves just aren’t that common.

But suddenly void elves are invented out of thin air as an off shoot of blood elves, who we’re told are themselves basically on the verge of extinction.

People just don’t like being jerked around.

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I mean, I want high elves and I am pretty sure a bunch of other people want too, Void Elves were less requested than Broken Draenei(Oh yeah, because they were a last minute creation), not sure where you get your ideas from.

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0/10 tired subject

Also the OP was already proven wrong.

I wants High Elves.

stop contributing to spam