Nobody wants 10 boss raids

I feel like the game can’t be designed around the people who do nothing but queue LFR and do only the easeist of easy content.

mouth breathing, drool inducing content is boring.


Thokk (SoO) also has an issue where he transitions to ph2 when the raid is at half-health … but with all the defensives, absorbs, leech etc, this can be near IMPOSSIBLE to have happen, because the only other damage he does will 1-shot you.


There are definitely some pain-points with this new format. I wish people would have learned the lesson from Plunderstorm (esp since IT JUST HAPPENED) and know that we’ll probably get 10,000 Bronze just from doing any basic quest in 2 months. All the people bashing their head against the wall to farm frogs etc … I mean… how can you not realize they’re going to just be GIVING this away in 2 months??

I dont consider those gimmick fights. Unless we just view anything other than single target fights gimmicks. Its just a change in damage profiles. Which is ok. Not every class is a single target master.

I think the leveling experience was probably the focus. Endgame didn’t feel polished at all.

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The toxicity in the raids has been absolutely horrible. We need better moderation tools as players to report behavior in these groups and have it actioned faster. We had one LFR last night the tanks pulled the bosses with half the raid outside the door on all 3 bosses of a wing. One of those 4 of the 5 healers in the raid were locked out. Even worse that particular boss fight, the arena door doesn’t open after killing the boss. Luckily someone had a summoning scroll and thought to use it.

You complain you get “LOL its LFR”.

Yeah it’s LFR - pull your head out of your butt and treat the rest of the people in the group with a modicum of respect and empathy. Most of these people don’t even know where they are going in the raid.

Readycheck? Didn’t see it used once. If you didn’t manage to keep up with the people in front…oh well…

It shouldn’t be this way… add a 30 second RP to each LFR fight in remix and dont close the gates till it finishes if you have to…

The real problem I think is people using these to level don’t respect them.

Yeah, as additions to other tiers. Maly, Sarth, and VoA were additions to the entirety of Naxx in Tier 7. Ony was added during TotC, and Halion was added during ICC. None of these stand alone as individual tiers, but as part of a whole.

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I also recall in BfA, it also has the same experience where, you were (max-1) and were strong … and then hit max level and were TERRIBLY WEAK!

And Blizzard’s response, even back then, was “just gain 20-30 more iLevel and it’ll be better!”

Like… wut??

A lot of times LFR isn’t easy and it’s mostly because half the raid puts no effort into it

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I just find them to be a way of artificially forcing some spec variety in raids rather than building encounters that would have a need for some variety themselves. As you said not every class is a single target master so it’d be fun to see more encounters that encourage bringing a variety of AoE and ST masters rather than just doing council fights as a way to break up the monotony.

So that’s why I see them as kind of gimmicky. They are just a way to say “hold on guys, spec change time!”

I would prefer if 8 boss raids were split into two 4 boss raids. That way I could join a pug with much less time commitment and without feeling I need to try and pre-study and remember 8 boss mechanics at once before joining. I think you’d see a lot more casual participation in normal and heroic.


I don’t mind the 8 to 10 boss raids,
I just wish they take away 50% to 60% of the trash mobs…in said 8 to 10 man raids

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That’s not going to happen.

They did say if people didn’t like the season they were open to feedback.
And I’m all up for something else.

technically speaking…TECHNICALLY. You’re not meant to do the entire raid in one night. That’s not how they were designed back then, it’s how players evolved them into where the one night clear is something more preferred by the masses.

WoW players are their own worse enemy.

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You’re not supposed to spam run 10 bosses per week.

A lot of generalizing and speaking for others in here.

Citation also needed.

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I think the “I hate looking at optional content” thinking is what got our dailies trashed a while back, wasnt it, lol.
They dont have to do it but they’ll whine about it anyway

I think so.

There should be a couple smaller raids and then a giant raid each season. Smaller could easily be a couple bosses. Giant can be like 10.

Smaller raids could be designed for 10 to 25 and large for 15 to 30

Have you tried not standing in the breath attack?