Nobody wants 10 boss raids

Eh, not necessarily. First reclear can be sketchy, subbing in new players / significantly changing comps can result in wipes due to unfamiliarity. Making raids longer often just results in people extending sooner and seeing less boss kills total until farm.

Wait a minute, I remember you now. You’re the guy who made the LFR is too hard post a couple weeks ago.

How many times are you gonna repost the same idea, just worded a little differently?

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This statement makes it seem like you don’t understand WHY they did this.

It wasn’t for MDI, or “serving the elitists.”

It was done for the casuals. Because no one wanted to put in the work to get the gear from S1 so that they could play S2. Everyone wanted “catch-up gear.”

This is just another example of Blizz giving the players EXACTLY what they asked for 
 and then the players COMPLAIN ABOUT IT!!!


Hate to say it but, elitists aren’t the problem-- the casuals are. That makes for a good meme, but the argument is bigger than that. It’s not that simple.

He belongs in your faction, definitely not your server since it has good players. :rofl:

It does. I was reminded of this seeing SoO in Remix. How many would prog that today?

Sure. Have a 1 boss raid (we already have these with some LFR wings) and 2-3 “normal” wings of 2-3 bosses.

Why? Fated/Awakened was an alternatie to a content drought before the next expansion. Given it’s the same cosmetics, basically, it’s pretty much optional. Just skip it if you want to wait for the new expansion. It’s better than nothing.

This is a mixed bag with lots of unintended consequences. Vanilla went from 40 to 25 in TBC and more specs had something to bring. Combine this with the smaller sizes and you have less comp flexibility. Smaller raids combined with Blizzard’s desire for making “hard” raids means people end up chasing meta comps. You actually see this happening a ton in SoD.

So while I generally agree with the sentiment, the result doesn’t seem to be what anyone actually wants.

So this is a separate topic but there’s really no reason for Heroic to exist. AFAICT nobody would do Heroic if it wasn’t for separate tmogs and the whole economy of selling AOTC.

I didn’t say only classic. TBC had Gruul’s Lair and Magtharidon. Wrath had what? Obsidian Sanctum, Eye of Eternity and a revamped Onyxia?

True! Don’t think I’ve raided on horde since like wrath

Nah, nah. You guys can keep him. :person_fencing:

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Molten core? Naxxramas? Blackwing lair? Classic raids were huge with far more than 1 boss.

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Probably the same amount, people that do raids are a niche crowd that mostly like to do raids. Moreover in this gearing system where raiding for gear is not as required I think it’s fair to say a lot of people would still do it.

Because I want to play wow, it being an “optional” season still means a dead season. The point is we shouldn’t settle for this or nothing. I think that’s a false choice.

The friction in Remix is going to be that 90% of the players have never seen these bosses to begin with and the remaining 10% haven’t done them in a mechanically relevant fashion in 10 years. The data from remix in this regard will be very hard to associate to anything meaningful for retail other than how many hours spent playing the game and how that corresponds to how many people participated in the remix.

As far as raid tier size. I have a real hard time accepting “less” or “limites” on a given teir other than minimums. 8 bosses is the absolute minimum for a raid teir we should expect. But the more they plug in and can do in a given window the more content we have. We likely aren’t getting a 4th raid tier in an expansion again. The awaked/fated raids seem like they are here to stay and I am wiling to bet we will get another remix in next expansion’s season 4.

Remix has turned out to be a blast for those doing them and the free for all way of getting transmog with broken OP game mechanics has really captured the attention of almost everyone in my social circles.

Thank you for conceding my point: raiding, as it exists now, is a niche activity.

An optional season is arguably a dead season. A dead season, being a eyar long, however is by definition a dead season.

That’s reasonable I’m not sure how realistic it is to expect a full major patch while working on the alpha/beta for the new expansion however.

I got called trash for not knowing how to tank Lei Shen :person_shrugging:
Kicked people around that were overly negative and still managed to 7 man it on remix.

“You are about to enter a raid with 7 bosses dead. Do you accept?”

I also enter into evidence: Mythic raiding (which is largely the same problem).

You don’t have to “stop and travel” in any physical sense. Not only do we have portals (which existing raids have already used, but I’ll continue), but all the way back in LEGION Blizzard gave us tech to better handle this. In Halls of Valor and in the Emerald Nightmare.

In those instances, you get to certain areas and “approach” a portal. But you don’t click on it, you don’t so much change to a “loading” screen 
 but the screen itself just 
 what to call it 
 “graphically transitions” as the loading is done behind the scenes.

It was such a subtle thing and a much better way of handling the transition, I just assumed it was the new way to load content. But they never really used it past those two.

Regardless how you do it, it’s a small ask for a HUGE improvement to the player experience.

Something is weird about the remix raids, they’re just too easy. I would say easier than heroic dungeons.

I was in Mogu’shan vaults tanking and failing mechanics we just 1 shotted all the bosses and killed each one in like 2-3 min.

Every activity in a vacuum is a niche activity.

Bait is funnier when it’s more subtle. This is just embarrassing.

It really depends of your gear/cloak levels, people early on still had some difficulty. But for sure Mogushan vault is really not that hard. I wiped for 2 hours on Galakras, there’s also some weird scaling issues which I heard they’re trying to fix.

Ah okay gotta give it some time then I guess.

I’ve never been asked this.

This is the only time I see this problem.

For specifically mythic raiders, I guess?

I dont see how its a huge improvement otherwise. Example. Every guild I have been in just raids until a certain time. Then we stop. Next night, we pick up where we left off.

Maybe I am missing something.

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Not really. It’s getting old doing the same council fight in every season with new names and a fresh coat of paint.

I don’t feel that it should be. Probably players like myself that have had bad experiences with it and don’t bother. Ive also had bad experiences with LFR though and avoid doing it